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NPR讲解附字幕:肯尼亚首都发生袭击案 美国1961年险发生核弹爆炸

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From npr news in Washington,I am Barbara Klein.

In Nairobi, Kenya slaughter at an upmarket shopping mall frequented by ethnic Kenyans and foreigners. More than 30 people are confirmed dead, many more are injured. And Kenyan officials say some gunmen remain inside with hostages. President Uhuru Kenyatta delivered a nation-wide address vowing to bringing the attackers to justice.
"Let me make it clear. We shall hunt down the perpetrators wherever they run to. We shall get them. We shall punish them for this heinous crime."
American citizens are among those wounded. The Somalian's islamic group al-Shabab is using social media to praise the assault. The militants have long threat retribution against Kenya for sending troops to Somalia to help the government there battle Islamic extremists. The UN security council is condemning the attack as our secretary of state John Kerry who calls it reminder of unspeakable evil.
Coronado's highway department is scrambling to re-open access to mountain towns isolated by recent flooding. Eric Whitney reports officials expected to take years to fully repair damage roads.
Frank Lancaster, the town administrator in Estes Park of Coronado, it used to take 45 minutes to get to the nearest city, but washed out roads, we will now take three hours . Only two highways at this part remain open and one is too high elevation to keep open in the winter.
"Despite the high favor of the united states, but it was closed and before that because of snow. There are snow there already and it's coming soon."
Some employers are facing working shortages because these daily commute from nearby cites are now impractical. 120 million dollars has been pledged to repair roads, but restoring even temporary access on some outs will take months. From NPR News, I am Eric Whitney.
A newly declassified document reveals that in 1961 the US comparably close to nuclear disaster according to the record of four megaton nuclear bomb was one switch away from exploding over North Carolina. The document was obtained under the Freedom of Information Act published in Briton's guardian newspaper, Larry Miller has the tales from London.
Three days after president kenedy's inauguration, a B-52 broke up over north carolina, two bombs fell, one began at six switch detonation process and only the failure of the final low voltage which prevent the disaster and this to give the journalist Eric Schlosser told bbc that bomb was 260 times more powerful than the one dropped on hiroshima.
The bomb assumed that it was being deliberately released over a military target. The accident has previously been acknowledged in a water down report. But this document obtained by Schlosser was written by a government scientist who concluded that it had the last switch not failed, it would have been bad news in space. For NPR News, I 'm Larry Miller in London.

This is NPR.

Chicago was trying to recover from two nights' of gun violence. The Chicago Suntimes reports four people were killed overnight in separate shootings, this is after a mass shooting at a Chicago park Thursday evening injuried 13 people including a three-year-old boy. A spokesman for his family says he is recovering from surgery.
Some 300 people gathered in Kansas city today for the lastest and series of community forums on mental health. As Monica Sandrarich reports from member station KCUR.
It's part of a national conversation initiated by president Obama after last year's mass shooting in Sandy Hook elementary school in Connecticut. Kansas city is one of ten cities holding forums to assess mental health problems affecting its communities, especially its young people. Health & Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius told the group most violence crimes is not committed by people suffering from mental illness, but she added that most people diagnosed with mental or substance abuse problems do not receive medical care.
"That is a situation that is a tragedy, we would never let that happen if 60% of people identified with cancer or who had heart attacks, or had an open wound, we wouldn't let that happen in this country. That's what we have to change."
Sebelius told the administration a portable carry-out which includes mental coverage in a mental health act . For NPR News, I am Monica Sandrarich.
Crews in Mexico were searching for victims and assessing damage in the wake of several days' of rain brought by tropical storm Manuel and hurricane Ingrid. The death poll has climbed to more than 100. 68 people are missing and a massive landslide buried an entire town. Mexico's president says there is little hope anyone who will be find alive.
I am Barbara Klein. NPR News.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
frank [fræŋk]


adj. 坦白的,直率的,真诚的
vt. 免费

surgery ['sə:dʒəri]


n. 外科,外科手术,诊所

disaster [di'zɑ:stə]


n. 灾难

tropical ['trɔpikəl]


adj. 热带的,炎热的,热带植物的

detonation [.detəu'neiʃən]


n. 爆炸,爆裂,爆炸声

committed [kə'mitid]


adj. 献身于某种事业的,委托的

landslide ['lændslaid]


n. 山崩 n. (竞选中)压倒多数的选票

previously ['pri:vju:sli]


adv. 先前,在此之前

prevent [pri'vent]


v. 预防,防止

pledge [pledʒ]


n. 保证,誓言,抵押,抵押品
vt. 保证,





