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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
It was the height of the reign of terror. McMurdo, who had already been appointed Inner Deacon, with every prospect of some day succeeding McGinty as Bodymaster, was now so necessary to the councils of his comrades that nothing was done without his help and advice. The more popular he became, however, with the Freemen, the blacker were the scowls which greeted him as he passed along the streets of Vermissa. In spite of their terror the citizens were taking heart to band themselves together against their oppressors. Rumours had reached the lodge of secret gatherings in the Herald office and of distribution of firearms among the law-abiding people. But McGinty and his men were undisturbed by such reports. They were numerous, resolute, and well armed. Their opponents were scattered and powerless. It would all end, as it had done in the past, in aimless talk and possibly in impotent arrests. So said McGinty, McMurdo, and all the bolder spirits.恐怖统治达到了顶峰。麦克默多已经被委任为会中的执事,大有希望日后继麦金蒂做身主的候选人,现在他的同伙都要征求他的意见,以致没有他的指点和协助,什么事也做不成。可是,他在自由人会中的名声愈大,当他在维尔米萨街上走过时,那些平民愈仇视他。他们不顾恐怖的威胁,决心联合起来共同反抗压其他们的人。死酷党听到传说:先驱报社有秘密集会,并向守法的平民分发武器。但麦金蒂和他手下的人对此却毫不介意。因为他们人数众多,胆大包天,武器精良;而对手却是一盘散沙,无权无势。结果一定象过去一样,只是漫无目标的空谈,多半是无能为力的罢手而已。这就是麦金蒂、麦克默多和那些勇敢分子们的说法。
It was a Saturday evening in May. Saturday was always the lodge night, and McMurdo was leaving his house to attend it when Morris, the weaker brother of the order, came to see him. His brow was creased with care, and his kindly face was drawn and haggard.党徒们经常在星期六晚上集会。五月里,一个星期六的晚上,麦克默多正要去赴会,被称为懦夫的莫里斯兄弟前来拜访他。莫里斯愁容满面,紧皱双眉,慈祥的面孔显得憔悴瘦长。
"Can I speak with you freely, Mr. McMurdo?"“我可以和你随便谈谈吗?麦克默多先生。”
"I can't forget that I spoke my heart to you once, and that you kept it to yourself, even though the Boss himself came to ask you about it."“我从未忘记,有一次我曾向你说过心里话,甚至首领亲自来问你这件事,你也守口如瓶。”
"What else could I do if you trusted me? It wasn't that I agreed with what you said."“既然你信任我,我怎能不这样做呢?但这并不等于我同意你所说的话。”
"I know that well. But you are the one that I can speak to and be safe. I've a secret here," he put his hand to his breast, "and it is just burning the life out of me. I wish it had come to any one of you but me. If I tell it, it will mean murder, for sure. If I don't, it may bring the end of us all. God help me, but I am near out of my wits over it!"“这点我是知道的。不过我只有对你才敢说心里话,而又不怕泄露。现在我有一件秘密,"他把手放在胸前,说道,“它使我心急如焚。我愿它施加于你们任何一个人身上,只希望我能幸免。假如我把它说出来,势必要出谋杀案件。如果我不说,那就可能招致我们全体覆灭。愿上帝救我,我简直不知如何是好了!”
McMurdo looked at the man earnestly. He was trembling in every limb. He poured some whisky into a glass and handed it to him. "That's the physic for the likes of you," said he. "Now let me hear of it."麦克默多恳切地望着他,只见他四肢颤抖。麦克默多倒了一杯威士忌酒给他。“这就是对你这样的人用的药品,"麦克默多说道,“现在请你告诉我吧。”
Morris drank, and his white face took a tinge of colour. "I can tell it to you all in one sentence," said he. "There's a detective on our trail."莫里斯把酒喝了,苍白的面容恢复了红润。"我可以只用一句话就向你说清楚。"他说道,“已经有侦探追查我们了。”
McMurdo stared at him in astonishment. "Why, man, you're crazy," he said. "Isn't the place full of police and detectives and what harm did they ever do us?"麦克默多惊愕地望着他。“怎么?伙计,你疯了!"麦克默多说道,“这地方不是经常塞满警察和侦探吗?他们对我们又有什么损害呢?”
"No, no, it's no man of the district. As you say, we know them, and it is little that they can do. But you've heard of Pinkerton's?"“不,不,这并不是本地人。正象你说的,那些本地人,我们都知道,他们是干不出什么名堂的,可是你听说过平克顿的侦探吗?”
"I've read of some folk of that name."“我听说过几个人的名字。”
"Well, you can take it from me you've no show when they are on your trail. It's not a take-it-or-miss-it government concern. It's a dead earnest business proposition that's out for results and keeps out till by hook or crook it gets them. If a Pinkerton man is deep in this business, we are all destroyed."“好,我可以告诉你,他们追查你时,你可不要不在意。那不是一家漫不经心的政府机构,而是一个十分认真的起业中的智囊,它决心要查个水落石出,不择手段地要搞出个结果来。假如一个平克顿的侦探要插手过问这件事,那我们就全毁了。”
"We must kill him."“我们必须杀死他。”
"Ah, it's the first thought that came to you! So it will be up at the lodge. Didn't I say to you that it would end in murder?"“啊,你首先想到的就是这个!那就一定要在会上提出来了。我不是向你说过,结果会出谋杀案件吗?”
"Sure, what is murder? Isn't it common enough in these parts?"“当然了,杀人算什么?在此地不是极普通的事吗?”
"It is, indeed; but it's not for me to point out the man that is to be murdered. I'd never rest easy again. And yet it's our own necks that may be at stake. In God's name what shall I do?" He rocked to and fro in his agony of indecision.“的确,是这样,可是我并没有想叫这个人被杀啊。我心里又将永远不能平静了。可是不然的话,我们自己的生命也是危险的。上帝啊,我怎么办呢?"他身体前后摇动,犹豫不决。
But his words had moved McMurdo deeply. It was easy to see that he shared the other's opinion as to the danger, and the need for meeting it. He gripped Morris's shoulder and shook him in his earnestness.他的话使麦克默多深受感动。不难看出,麦克默多是同意莫里斯对危机的看法的,需要去应付它。麦克默多抚着莫里斯的肩膀,热情地摇摇他。
"See here, man," he cried, and he almost screeched the words in his excitement, "you won't gain anything by sitting keening like an old wife at a wake. Let's have the facts. Who is the fellow? Where is he? How did you hear of him? Why did you come to me?"“喂,伙计,"麦克默多非常激动,几乎喊叫似地大声说道,“你坐在这儿象老太太哭丧一样是毫无用处的。我们来摆摆情况。这个人是谁?他在哪里?你怎么听说到他的?为什么你来找我?”
"I came to you; for you are the one man that would advise me. I told you that I had a store in the East before I came here. I left good friends behind me, and one of them is in the telegraph service. Here's a letter that I had from him yesterday. It's this part from the top of the page. You can read it yourself."“我来找你,因为唯有你能指教我。我曾对你说过,在我来这里以前,我在西部地方开过一家商店。那里有我一些好朋友。有一个朋友是在电报局工作的。这就是我昨天收到的信,是他写给我的。这一页顶上就写得很清楚,你自己可以把它念一下。”
This was what McMurdo read:麦克默多遂读道:
How are the Scowrers getting on in your parts? We read plenty of them in the papers. Between you and me I expect to hear news from you before long. Five big corporations and the two railroads have taken the thing up in dead earnest. They mean it, and you can bet they'll get there! They are right deep down into it. Pinkerton has taken hold under their orders, and his best man, Birdy Edwards, is operating. The thing has got to be stopped right now."你们那里的死酷党人现在怎么样了?在报上看到许多有关他们的报道。你知我知,我希望不久就得到你的消息。听说,有五家有限公司和两处铁路局十分认真地着手处理这件事。他们既然有这种打算,那你可以确信,他们一定要到那里去的。他们正直接插手。平克顿侦探公司已经奉命进行调查,其中的佼佼者伯尔弟·爱德华正在行动,这些罪恶的事情现在完全可以得到制止了。”
"Now read the postscript."“请你把附言读一读。”

It was the height of the reign of terror. McMurdo, who had already been appointed Inner Deacon, with every prospect of some day succeeding McGinty as Bodymaster, was now so necessary to the councils of his comrades that nothing was done without his help and advice. The more popular he became, however, with the Freemen, the blacker were the scowls which greeted him as he passed along the streets of Vermissa. In spite of their terror the citizens were taking heart to band themselves together against their oppressors. Rumours had reached the lodge of secret gatherings in the Herald office and of distribution of firearms among the law-abiding people. But McGinty and his men were undisturbed by such reports. They were numerous, resolute, and well armed. Their opponents were scattered and powerless. It would all end, as it had done in the past, in aimless talk and possibly in impotent arrests. So said McGinty, McMurdo, and all the bolder spirits.
It was a Saturday evening in May. Saturday was always the lodge night, and McMurdo was leaving his house to attend it when Morris, the weaker brother of the order, came to see him. His brow was creased with care, and his kindly face was drawn and haggard.
"Can I speak with you freely, Mr. McMurdo?"
"I can't forget that I spoke my heart to you once, and that you kept it to yourself, even though the Boss himself came to ask you about it."
"What else could I do if you trusted me? It wasn't that I agreed with what you said."
"I know that well. But you are the one that I can speak to and be safe. I've a secret here," he put his hand to his breast, "and it is just burning the life out of me. I wish it had come to any one of you but me. If I tell it, it will mean murder, for sure. If I don't, it may bring the end of us all. God help me, but I am near out of my wits over it!"
McMurdo looked at the man earnestly. He was trembling in every limb. He poured some whisky into a glass and handed it to him. "That's the physic for the likes of you," said he. "Now let me hear of it."
Morris drank, and his white face took a tinge of colour. "I can tell it to you all in one sentence," said he. "There's a detective on our trail."
McMurdo stared at him in astonishment. "Why, man, you're crazy," he said. "Isn't the place full of police and detectives and what harm did they ever do us?"
"No, no, it's no man of the district. As you say, we know them, and it is little that they can do. But you've heard of Pinkerton's?"
"I've read of some folk of that name."
"Well, you can take it from me you've no show when they are on your trail. It's not a take-it-or-miss-it government concern. It's a dead earnest business proposition that's out for results and keeps out till by hook or crook it gets them. If a Pinkerton man is deep in this business, we are all destroyed."
"We must kill him."
"Ah, it's the first thought that came to you! So it will be up at the lodge. Didn't I say to you that it would end in murder?"
"Sure, what is murder? Isn't it common enough in these parts?"
"It is, indeed; but it's not for me to point out the man that is to be murdered. I'd never rest easy again. And yet it's our own necks that may be at stake. In God's name what shall I do?" He rocked to and fro in his agony of indecision.
But his words had moved McMurdo deeply. It was easy to see that he shared the other's opinion as to the danger, and the need for meeting it. He gripped Morris's shoulder and shook him in his earnestness.
"See here, man," he cried, and he almost screeched the words in his excitement, "you won't gain anything by sitting keening like an old wife at a wake. Let's have the facts. Who is the fellow? Where is he? How did you hear of him? Why did you come to me?"
"I came to you; for you are the one man that would advise me. I told you that I had a store in the East before I came here. I left good friends behind me, and one of them is in the telegraph service. Here's a letter that I had from him yesterday. It's this part from the top of the page. You can read it yourself."
This was what McMurdo read:
How are the Scowrers getting on in your parts? We read plenty of them in the papers. Between you and me I expect to hear news from you before long. Five big corporations and the two railroads have taken the thing up in dead earnest. They mean it, and you can bet they'll get there! They are right deep down into it. Pinkerton has taken hold under their orders, and his best man, Birdy Edwards, is operating. The thing has got to be stopped right now.
"Now read the postscript."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

spite [spait]


n. 恶意,怨恨
vt. 刁难,伤害

agony ['ægəni]


n. 极度的痛苦,挣扎

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

resolute ['rezə.lu:t]


adj. 坚决的,果断的

detective [di'tektiv]


adj. 侦探的
n. 侦探

hook [huk]


n. 钩状物,勾拳,钩
v. 钩住,弯成(钩装

terror ['terə]


n. 恐怖,惊骇,令人惧怕或讨厌的人或事物

limb [lim]


n. 枝干,树枝,肢体
vt. 切断(树枝,手

indecision [.indi'siʒən]


adj. 犹豫
n. 下不了决心,拿不定主意





