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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Of course, what I give you is what I learned in business; so it goes no further. It's a queer cipher that you handle by the yard every day and can get no meaning from.“当然,我所告诉你的,是我从日常业务工作中了解到的,所以不能再进一步说清楚了。他们使用的是奇怪的密码,我不懂他们的意思。”
McMurdo sat in silence for some time, with the letter in his listless hands. The mist had lifted for a moment, and there was the abyss before him.麦克默多手里拿着这封信,无精打采地静坐了很久,一时间一团迷雾冉冉升起,在他面前呈现出万丈深渊。
"Does anyone else know of this?" he asked.“还有别的人知道这件事吗?"麦克默多问道。
"I have told no one else."“我没有告诉别的人。”
"But this man--your friend--has he any other person that he would be likely to write to?"“不过这个人,你的朋友,会写信给别的人吗?”
"Well, I dare say he knows one or two more."“啊,我敢说他还认识一两个人。”
"Of the lodge?"“是会里人吗?”
"It's likely enough."“很可能。”
"I was asking because it is likely that he may have given some description of this fellow Birdy Edwards--then we could get on his trail."“我所以要问这个,因为或者他可以把伯尔弟·爱德华这个人的形状介绍一下。那么我们就可以着手追寻他的行踪了。”
"Well, it's possible. But I should not think he knew him. He is just telling me the news that came to him by way of business. How would he know this Pinkerton man?"“啊,这倒可以。可是我不认为他认识爱德华。他告诉我这个消息,也是从日常业务中得到的,他怎么能认识这个平克顿的侦探呢?”
McMurdo gave a violent start.麦克默多猛然跳起来。
"By Gar!" he cried, "I've got him. What a fool I was not to know it. Lord! but we're in luck! We will fix him before he can do any harm. See here, Morris, will you leave this thing in my hands?"“天哪!"他喊道,“我一定要抓住他。我连这事都不知道,该是多么愚蠢哪!不过我们还算幸运!趁他还未能造成损害,我们可以先收拾他。喂,莫里斯,你愿意把这件事交给我去办吗?”
"Sure, if you will only take it off mine."“当然了,只要你能不连累我就行。”
"I'll do that. You can stand right back and let me run it. Even your name need not be mentioned. I'll take it all on myself, as if it were to me that this letter has come. Will that content you?"“我一定办这件事,你完全可撒手让我来办。我甚至用不着提你的名字,我一人作事一人当,就当作这封信是写给我的。这可使你满意了吧?”
"It's just what I would ask."“这样办正合我的心意。”
"Then leave it at that and keep your head shut. Now I'll get down to the lodge, and we'll soon make old man Pinkerton sorry for himself."“那么,就谈到这里,你要保持缄默。现在我要到分会去,我们很快就可以让这个老平克顿侦探垂头丧气了。”
"You wouldn't kill this man?"“你们不会杀死这个人吧?”
"The less you know, Friend Morris, the easier your conscience will be, and the better you will sleep. Ask no questions, and let these things settle themselves. I have hold of it now."“莫里斯,我的朋友,你知道得越少,你越可以问心无愧。你最好去睡大觉,不要再多问了,让这件事听其自然吧。现在我来处理它。”
Morris shook his head sadly as he left. "I feel that his blood is on my hands," he groaned.莫里斯走时,忧愁地摇了摇头,叹道:“我觉得我的双手沾满了他的鲜血。”
"Self-protection is no murder, anyhow," said McMurdo, smiling grimly. "It's him or us. I guess this man would destroy us all if we left him long in the valley. Why, Brother Morris, we'll have to elect you Bodymaster yet; for you've surely saved the lodge."“无论如何,自卫不能算是谋杀,"麦克默多狞笑道,“不是我们杀死他,就是他杀死我们。如果我们让他长久呆在山谷里,我想他会把我们一网打尽的。呃,莫里斯兄弟,我们还要选你做身主呢,因为你真正救了我们整个死酷党。”
And yet it was clear from his actions that he thought more seriously of this new intrusion than his words would show. It may have been his guilty conscience, it may have been the reputation of the Pinkerton organization, it may have been the knowledge that great, rich corporations had set themselves the task of clearing out the Scowrers; but, whatever his reason, his actions were those of a man who is preparing for the worst. Every paper which would incriminate him was destroyed before he left the house. After that he gave a long sigh of satisfaction; for it seemed to him that he was safe. And yet the danger must still have pressed somewhat upon him; for on his way to the lodge he stopped at old man Shafter's. The house was forbidden him; but when he tapped at the window Ettie came out to him. The dancing Irish deviltry had gone from her lover's eyes. She read his danger in his earnest face.然而从他的行动可以清楚地看出来,他虽然这么说,可是却十分认真地思考这件新获得的消息。可能他问心有愧;可能由于平克顿组织威名显赫;可能知道这些庞大而富有的有限公司自己动手清除死酷党人,不管他出于哪种考虑,他的行动说明他是从最坏处作准备的。在他离家以前,把凡是能把他牵连进刑事案件的片纸只字都销毁了。然后他才满意地出口长气,似乎觉得安全了。可是危险还压在他心上,因为在去分会途中,他又在老谢夫特家停了下来。谢夫特已经禁止麦克默多到他家去。可是麦克默多轻轻敲了敲窗户,伊蒂便出来迎接他。她情人双目中的残暴表情消逝了,但伊蒂从他严肃的脸上看到发生了什么危险的事。
"Something has happened!" she cried. "Oh, Jack, you are in danger!"“你一定出了什么事!"伊蒂高声喊道,“噢,杰克,你一定遇到了危险!”
"Sure, it is not very bad, my sweetheart. And yet it may be wise that we make a move before it is worse."“不错,我亲爱的,不过这并不是很坏的事。在事情没有恶化以前,我们把家搬一搬,那就是很明智的了。”
"Make a move?"“搬家?”

Of course, what I give you is what I learned in business; so it goes no further. It's a queer cipher that you handle by the yard every day and can get no meaning from.
McMurdo sat in silence for some time, with the letter in his listless hands. The mist had lifted for a moment, and there was the abyss before him.
"Does anyone else know of this?" he asked.
"I have told no one else."
"But this man--your friend--has he any other person that he would be likely to write to?"
"Well, I dare say he knows one or two more."
"Of the lodge?"
"It's likely enough."
"I was asking because it is likely that he may have given some description of this fellow Birdy Edwards--then we could get on his trail."
"Well, it's possible. But I should not think he knew him. He is just telling me the news that came to him by way of business. How would he know this Pinkerton man?"
McMurdo gave a violent start.
"By Gar!" he cried, "I've got him. What a fool I was not to know it. Lord! but we're in luck! We will fix him before he can do any harm. See here, Morris, will you leave this thing in my hands?"
"Sure, if you will only take it off mine."
"I'll do that. You can stand right back and let me run it. Even your name need not be mentioned. I'll take it all on myself, as if it were to me that this letter has come. Will that content you?"
"It's just what I would ask."
"Then leave it at that and keep your head shut. Now I'll get down to the lodge, and we'll soon make old man Pinkerton sorry for himself."
"You wouldn't kill this man?"
"The less you know, Friend Morris, the easier your conscience will be, and the better you will sleep. Ask no questions, and let these things settle themselves. I have hold of it now."
Morris shook his head sadly as he left. "I feel that his blood is on my hands," he groaned.
"Self-protection is no murder, anyhow," said McMurdo, smiling grimly. "It's him or us. I guess this man would destroy us all if we left him long in the valley. Why, Brother Morris, we'll have to elect you Bodymaster yet; for you've surely saved the lodge."
And yet it was clear from his actions that he thought more seriously of this new intrusion than his words would show. It may have been his guilty conscience, it may have been the reputation of the Pinkerton organization, it may have been the knowledge that great, rich corporations had set themselves the task of clearing out the Scowrers; but, whatever his reason, his actions were those of a man who is preparing for the worst. Every paper which would incriminate him was destroyed before he left the house. After that he gave a long sigh of satisfaction; for it seemed to him that he was safe. And yet the danger must still have pressed somewhat upon him; for on his way to the lodge he stopped at old man Shafter's. The house was forbidden him; but when he tapped at the window Ettie came out to him. The dancing Irish deviltry had gone from her lover's eyes. She read his danger in his earnest face.
"Something has happened!" she cried. "Oh, Jack, you are in danger!"
"Sure, it is not very bad, my sweetheart. And yet it may be wise that we make a move before it is worse."
"Make a move?"

重点单词   查看全部解释    
satisfaction [.sætis'fækʃən]


n. 赔偿,满意,妥善处理,乐事,确信

description [di'skripʃən]


n. 描写,描述,说明书,作图,类型

mist [mist]


n. 雾,迷蒙,朦胧不清
vt. 使 ...

reputation [.repju'teiʃən]


n. 声誉,好名声

handle ['hændl]


n. 柄,把手
v. 买卖,处理,操作,驾驭

forbidden [fə'bidn]


adj. 被禁止的

incriminate [in'krimineit]


vt. 牵连,控告

conscience ['kɔnʃəns]


n. 良心,责任心,顾忌

abyss [ə'bis]


n. 深渊,无底洞

silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默





