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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
None of them knew the man; but there is eternal drama in a killing, and they had shown the Scowrers of Gilmerton that the Vermissa men were to be relied upon.他们谁也不认识这个人,可是这是杀人行乐的无穷无尽的戏剧性事件,他们是为了向吉尔默敦地区的死酷党人显示,自己是可以信赖的人。
There had been one contretemps; for a man and his wife had driven up while they were still emptying their revolvers into the silent body. It had been suggested that they should shoot them both; but they were harmless folk who were not connected with the mines, so they were sternly bidden to drive on and keep silent, lest a worse thing befall them. And so the blood-mottled figure had been left as a warning to all such hard-hearted employers, and the three noble avengers had hurried off into the mountains where unbroken nature comes down to the very edge of the furnaces and the slag heaps. Here they were, safe and sound, their work well done, and the plaudits of their companions in their ears.还有一个意外事件,当他们把手中枪里的子弹都倾泻到这个僵卧的尸体上时,一对夫起正驱车来到这里。有人提议连这两个人一起干掉,可是这两个人与这矿山毫无关系,所以他们厉声命令这对夫岂不许声张,赶紧走开,以免遭到不幸。因此,那血肉模糊的尸体则被丢在那里,向那些铁硬心肠的矿主示警,而那三名杰出的复仇者则消逝在亘古未曾开拓的荒山僻壤之中。他们得了手,在这里安全而稳妥,同党们的赞扬喝彩声不绝于耳。
It had been a great day for the Scowrers. The shadow had fallen even darker over the valley. But as the wise general chooses the moment of victory in which to redouble his efforts, so that his foes may have no time to steady themselves after disaster, so Boss McGinty, looking out upon the scene of his operations with his brooding and malicious eyes, had devised a new attack upon those who opposed him. That very night, as the half-drunken company broke up, he touched McMurdo on the arm and led him aside into that inner room where they had their first interview.这是死酷党人得意的日子,阴霾笼罩了全谷。可是正如一个足智多谋的将军选择了胜利的时机,可以加倍扩大战果,使敌军溃败后无暇整顿一样,首领麦金蒂阴险恶毒的双眼前浮现出一个作战方案,筹划新的诡计去谋害那些反对他的人。就在这天晚上,喝得半醉的党徒们走散以后,麦金蒂碰了碰麦克默多的胳臂,把他引到他们第一次见面的那间内室里。
"See here, my lad," said he, "I've got a job that's worthy of you at last. You'll have the doing of it in your own hands."“喂,我的伙计,"麦金蒂说道,“我终于给你找到了一件值得你干的差事。你可以亲手去完成它。”
"Proud I am to hear it," McMurdo answered.“听到这我很感骄傲,"麦克默多答道。
"You can take two men with you--Manders and Reilly. They have been warned for service. We'll never be right in this district until Chester Wilcox has been settled, and you'll have the thanks of every lodge in the coal fields if you can down him."“你可以带两个人和你一起去,这两个人是曼德斯和赖利。我已经吩咐过他们了。不除去切斯特·威尔科克斯,我们在这一地区就永远不能安心。假如你能把他干掉,你就能赢得产煤区每一分会的感谢。”
"I'll do my best, anyhow. Who is he, and where shall I find him?"“无论如何,我一定尽力去做。他是谁?我在哪里可以找到他?”
McGinty took his eternal half-chewed, half-smoked cigar from the corner of his mouth, and proceeded to draw a rough diagram on a page torn from his notebook.麦金蒂从嘴角拿开雪茄,从笔记本上撕下一张纸来,开始画一个草图。
"He's the chief foreman of the Iron Dike Company. He's a hard citizen, an old colour sergeant of the war, all scars and grizzle. We've had two tries at him; but had no luck, and Jim Carnaway lost his life over it. Now it's for you to take it over. That's the house--all alone at the Iron Dike crossroad, same as you see here on the map--without another within earshot. It's no good by day. He's armed and shoots quick and straight, with no questions asked. But at night--well, there he is with his wife, three children, and a hired help. You can't pick or choose. It's all or none. If you could get a bag of blasting powder at the front door with a slow match to it--"“他是戴克钢铁公司的总领班,是个意志刚强的人,是战时的一个老海军陆战队上士,受过许多伤,头发灰白。我们曾两次去解决他,都没有成功,而吉姆·卡纳威反而丧失了性命。现在请你接着去完成它。这就是那所房子,孤零零地在戴克钢铁公司的十字路口,正象你在这张图上所看到的一样,没有人能听得到声音。白天去是不行的,他经常戒备着,射击得既快又准,而且连问也不问就开枪。可是在夜间——对,他和妻子、三个孩子和一个佣工住在那里。你要干就全干掉,无别的抉择。如果你把一包炸药放在前门,上面用一根慢慢引着的导火线……”
"What's the man done?"“这个人干了什么事?”
"Didn't I tell you he shot Jim Carnaway?"“我不是对你说过他枪杀了吉姆·卡纳威吗?”
"Why did he shoot him?"“他为什么要枪杀吉姆呢?”
"What in thunder has that to do with you? Carnaway was about his house at night, and he shot him. That's enough for me and you. You've got to settle the thing right."“这和你有什么关系呢?卡纳威夜里走到他房子附近,他就开枪打死了卡纳威。你我就谈到这里。你现在可以去把这事打点一下。”
"There's these two women and the children. Do they go up too?"“还有两个妇女和小孩。连他们也一起干掉吗?”
"They have to--else how can we get him?"“也要干掉,不然我们怎样能干掉他呢?”
"It seems hard on them; for they've done nothing."“他们并没有什么罪过,连他们一起干掉,似乎有些难以下手。”
"What sort of fool's talk is this? Do you back out?"“这话多么愚蠢?你变卦了吗?”
"Easy, Councillor, easy! What have I ever said or done that you should think I would be after standing back from an order of the Bodymaster of my own lodge? If it's right or if it's wrong, it's for you to decide."“慢着,参议员先生,别急!我什么时候说过或做过使你认为我不接受身主命令的事呢?不管是也好,非也好,反正由你来定就是了。”
"You'll do it, then?"“那么,你去完成它?”
"Of course I will do it."“当然我去完成它了。”

None of them knew the man; but there is eternal drama in a killing, and they had shown the Scowrers of Gilmerton that the Vermissa men were to be relied upon.
There had been one contretemps; for a man and his wife had driven up while they were still emptying their revolvers into the silent body. It had been suggested that they should shoot them both; but they were harmless folk who were not connected with the mines, so they were sternly bidden to drive on and keep silent, lest a worse thing befall them. And so the blood-mottled figure had been left as a warning to all such hard-hearted employers, and the three noble avengers had hurried off into the mountains where unbroken nature comes down to the very edge of the furnaces and the slag heaps. Here they were, safe and sound, their work well done, and the plaudits of their companions in their ears.
It had been a great day for the Scowrers. The shadow had fallen even darker over the valley. But as the wise general chooses the moment of victory in which to redouble his efforts, so that his foes may have no time to steady themselves after disaster, so Boss McGinty, looking out upon the scene of his operations with his brooding and malicious eyes, had devised a new attack upon those who opposed him. That very night, as the half-drunken company broke up, he touched McMurdo on the arm and led him aside into that inner room where they had their first interview.
"See here, my lad," said he, "I've got a job that's worthy of you at last. You'll have the doing of it in your own hands."
"Proud I am to hear it," McMurdo answered.
"You can take two men with you--Manders and Reilly. They have been warned for service. We'll never be right in this district until Chester Wilcox has been settled, and you'll have the thanks of every lodge in the coal fields if you can down him."
"I'll do my best, anyhow. Who is he, and where shall I find him?"
McGinty took his eternal half-chewed, half-smoked cigar from the corner of his mouth, and proceeded to draw a rough diagram on a page torn from his notebook.
"He's the chief foreman of the Iron Dike Company. He's a hard citizen, an old colour sergeant of the war, all scars and grizzle. We've had two tries at him; but had no luck, and Jim Carnaway lost his life over it. Now it's for you to take it over. That's the house--all alone at the Iron Dike crossroad, same as you see here on the map--without another within earshot. It's no good by day. He's armed and shoots quick and straight, with no questions asked. But at night--well, there he is with his wife, three children, and a hired help. You can't pick or choose. It's all or none. If you could get a bag of blasting powder at the front door with a slow match to it--"
"What's the man done?"
"Didn't I tell you he shot Jim Carnaway?"
"Why did he shoot him?"
"What in thunder has that to do with you? Carnaway was about his house at night, and he shot him. That's enough for me and you. You've got to settle the thing right."
"There's these two women and the children. Do they go up too?"
"They have to--else how can we get him?"
"It seems hard on them; for they've done nothing."
"What sort of fool's talk is this? Do you back out?"
"Easy, Councillor, easy! What have I ever said or done that you should think I would be after standing back from an order of the Bodymaster of my own lodge? If it's right or if it's wrong, it's for you to decide."
"You'll do it, then?"
"Of course I will do it."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
powder ['paudə]


n. 粉,粉末,细雪,火药
vt. 洒粉于,使

steady ['stedi]


adj. 稳定的,稳固的,坚定的
v. 使稳固

sergeant ['sɑ:dʒənt]


n. 中士,巡佐,军士 (法庭或议会等地的)警卫官

malicious [mə'liʃəs]


adj. 怀恶意的,恶毒的

sternly ['stə:nli]


adv. 严格地,严肃地,坚定地

shadow ['ʃædəu]


n. 阴影,影子,荫,阴暗,暗处
vt. 投阴

rough [rʌf]


adj. 粗糙的,粗略的,粗暴的,艰难的,讨厌的,不适的

slag [slæg]


n. 熔渣,矿渣 vt. (英)严厉批评 n. 荡妇

touched [tʌtʃt]


adj. 受感动的 adj. 精神失常的

diagram ['daiəgræm]


n. 图解,图表
vt. 用图解法表示





