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"I promised you once that I would go some day. I think the time is coming. I had news to-night, bad news, and I see trouble coming."“有一次我答应你,将来我要离开这里。我想这一天终于来到了。今晚我得到一个消息,是一个坏消息,我看麻烦事来了。”
"The police?"“是警察吗?”
"Well, a Pinkerton. But, sure, you wouldn't know what that is, acushla, nor what it may mean to the likes of me. I'm too deep in this thing, and I may have to get out of it quick. You said you would come with me if I went."“对,是一个平克顿的侦探。不过,亲爱的,你不用打听到底是怎么回事,也不必知道这件事对我这样的人会怎么样。这件事与我关系太大了,但我很快就会摆脱它的。你说过,如果我离开这里,你要和我一起走。”
"Oh, Jack, it would be the saving of you!"“啊,杰克,这会使你得救的。”
"I'm an honest man in some things, Ettie. I wouldn't hurt a hair of your bonny head for all that the world can give, nor ever pull you down one inch from the golden throne above the clouds where I always see you. Would you trust me?"“我是一个诚实的人,伊蒂,我不会伤害你那美丽身躯的一根毫发。你仿佛坐在云端的黄金宝座上,我常常瞻望你的容颜,却决不肯从那里把你拖下一英寸来。你相信我吗?”
She put her hand in his without a word. "Well, then, listen to what I say, and do as I order you, for indeed it's the only way for us. Things are going to happen in this valley. I feel it in my bones. There may be many of us that will have to look out for ourselves. I'm one, anyhow. If I go, by day or night, it's you that must come with me!"伊蒂默默无言地把手放在麦克默多的手掌中。“好,那么,请你听我说,并且照我说的去做。因为这确实是我们唯一的生路。我确信,谷中将有大事发生。我们许多人都需要加以提防。无论如何,我是其中的一个。如果我离开这里,不论日夜,你都要和我一起走!”
"I'd come after you, Jack."“我一定随后就去,杰克。”
"No, no, you shall come WITH me. If this valley is closed to me and I can never come back, how can I leave you behind, and me perhaps in hiding from the police with never a chance of a message? It's with me you must come. I know a good woman in the place I come from, and it's there I'd leave you till we can get married. Will you come?"“不,不,你一定要和我一起走。如果我离开这个山谷,我就永远不能再回来,或许我要躲避警察耳目,连通信的机会也没有,我怎能把你丢下呢?你一定要和我一起走。我来的那地方有一个好女人,我把你安顿到那里,我们再结婚。你肯走吗?”
"Yes, Jack, I will come."“好的,杰克,我随你走。”
"God bless you for your trust in me! It's a fiend out of hell that I should be if I abused it. Now, mark you, Ettie, it will be just a word to you, and when it reaches you, you will drop everything and come right down to the waiting room at the depot and stay there till I come for you."“你这样相信我,上帝保佑你!如果我辜负了你的信任,那我就是一个从地狱里钻出来的魔鬼了。现在,伊蒂,请你注意,只要我带一个便笺给你,你接到它,就要抛弃一切,直接到车站候车室,在那里等候,我会来找你。”
"Day or night, I'll come at the word, Jack."“接到你写的便笺,不管白天晚上,我一定去,杰克。”
Somewhat eased in mind, now that his own preparations for escape had been begun, McMurdo went on to the lodge. It had already assembled, and only by complicated signs and countersigns could he pass through the outer guard and inner guard who close-tiled it. A buzz of pleasure and welcome greeted him as he entered. The long room was crowded, and through the haze of tobacco smoke he saw the tangled black mane of the Bodymaster, the cruel, unfriendly features of Baldwin, the vulture face of Harraway, the secretary, and a dozen more who were among the leaders of the lodge. He rejoiced that they should all be there to take counsel over his news.麦克默多作好了出走的准备工作,心情稍稍舒畅了些,便向分会走去。那里已经聚满了人。他回答了暗号,通过了戒备森严的外围警戒和内部警卫。麦克默多一走进来,便受到热烈的欢迎。长长的房屋挤满了人,他从烟雾之中看到了身主麦金蒂那乱成一团的又长又密的黑发,鲍德温凶残而不友好的表情,书记哈拉威那鹫鹰一样的脸孔,以及十几个分会中的领导人物。他很高兴,他们都在这里,可以商议一下他得来的消息。
"Indeed, it's glad we are to see you, Brother!" cried the chairman. "There's business here that wants a Solomon in judgment to set it right."“真的,我们看到你很高兴,兄弟!"身主麦金蒂高声喊道,“这里正有一件事需要有一个所罗门作出公正的裁决呢。"
"It's Lander and Egan," explained his neighbour as he took his seat. "They both claim the head money given by the lodge for the shooting of old man Crabbe over at Stylestown, and who's to say which fired the bullet?"“是兰德和伊根,"麦克默多坐下来,邻座的人向他解释说,“他们两个人去枪杀斯蒂列斯镇的克雷布老人,两个人都抢着要分会的赏金,你来说说究竟是谁开枪击中的?”
McMurdo rose in his place and raised his hand. The expression of his face froze the attention of the audience. There was a dead hush of expectation.麦克默多从座位上站起来,把手举起,他面上的表情,使大家都吃惊地注意着他。出现一阵死一样的寂静,等待他讲话。
"Eminent Bodymaster," he said, in a solemn voice, "I claim urgency!"“可敬的身主,"麦克默多严肃地说道,“我有紧急的事报告!”
"Brother McMurdo claims urgency," said McGinty. "It's a claim that by the rules of this lodge takes precedence. Now Brother, we attend you."“既然麦克默多兄弟有紧急事报告,"麦金蒂说道,“按照会中规定,自然应该优先讨论。现在,兄弟,请你说吧。”
McMurdo took the letter from his pocket.麦克默多从衣袋里拿出信来。
"Eminent Bodymaster and Brethren," he said, "I am the bearer of ill news this day; but it is better that it should be known and discussed, than that a blow should fall upon us without warning which would destroy us all. I have information that the most powerful and richest organizations in this state have bound themselves together for our destruction, and that at this very moment there is a Pinkerton detective, one Birdy Edwards, at work in the valley collecting the evidence which may put a rope round the necks of many of us, and send every man in this room into a felon's cell. That is the situation for the discussion of which I have made a claim of urgency."“可敬的身主和诸位弟兄,"麦克默多说道,“今天,我带来一个不幸的消息。不过我们事先知道并加以讨论,总比毫无戒备就被一网打尽要好得多。我得到通知说,国内那些最有钱有势的组织联合起来准备消灭我们,有一个平克顿的侦探,一个名叫伯尔弟·爱德华的人已来到这个山谷搜集证据,以便把绞索套到我们许多人的脖子上,并把在座的各位送进重罪犯牢房。所以我说有紧急事要报告,请大家讨论。”
There was a dead silence in the room. It was broken by the chairman.室中顿时鸦雀无声,最后还是身主麦金蒂打破了沉寂。
"What is your evidence for this, Brother McMurdo?" he asked.“麦克默多兄弟,你有什么证据吗?"麦金蒂问道。
"It is in this letter which has come into my hands," said McMurdo. Me read the passage aloud. "It is a matter of honour with me that I can give no further particulars about the letter, nor put it into your hands; but I assure you that there is nothing else in it which can affect the interests of the lodge. I put the case before you as it has reached me."“我收到一封信,这些情况就在这封信里写着,"麦克默多说道。他高声把这一段话读了一遍,又说,“我要守信用,不能再把这封信的详细内容都读出来,也不能把信交到你们手里,但我敢向你们保证,信上再也没有与本会利益攸关的事了。我一接到信,立即前来向诸位报告这件事。”
"Let me say, Mr. Chairman," said one of the older brethren, "that I have heard of Birdy Edwards, and that he has the name of being the best man in the Pinkerton service."“请允许我讲一讲,"一个年纪较大的弟兄说道,“我听说过伯尔弟·爱德华这个人,他是平克顿私家侦探公司里一个最有名片的侦探。”
"Does anyone know him by sight?" asked McGinty.“有人见过他吗?”

"I promised you once that I would go some day. I think the time is coming. I had news to-night, bad news, and I see trouble coming."
"The police?"
"Well, a Pinkerton. But, sure, you wouldn't know what that is, acushla, nor what it may mean to the likes of me. I'm too deep in this thing, and I may have to get out of it quick. You said you would come with me if I went."
"Oh, Jack, it would be the saving of you!"
"I'm an honest man in some things, Ettie. I wouldn't hurt a hair of your bonny head for all that the world can give, nor ever pull you down one inch from the golden throne above the clouds where I always see you. Would you trust me?"
She put her hand in his without a word. "Well, then, listen to what I say, and do as I order you, for indeed it's the only way for us. Things are going to happen in this valley. I feel it in my bones. There may be many of us that will have to look out for ourselves. I'm one, anyhow. If I go, by day or night, it's you that must come with me!"
"I'd come after you, Jack."
"No, no, you shall come WITH me. If this valley is closed to me and I can never come back, how can I leave you behind, and me perhaps in hiding from the police with never a chance of a message? It's with me you must come. I know a good woman in the place I come from, and it's there I'd leave you till we can get married. Will you come?"
"Yes, Jack, I will come."
"God bless you for your trust in me! It's a fiend out of hell that I should be if I abused it. Now, mark you, Ettie, it will be just a word to you, and when it reaches you, you will drop everything and come right down to the waiting room at the depot and stay there till I come for you."
"Day or night, I'll come at the word, Jack."
Somewhat eased in mind, now that his own preparations for escape had been begun, McMurdo went on to the lodge. It had already assembled, and only by complicated signs and countersigns could he pass through the outer guard and inner guard who close-tiled it. A buzz of pleasure and welcome greeted him as he entered. The long room was crowded, and through the haze of tobacco smoke he saw the tangled black mane of the Bodymaster, the cruel, unfriendly features of Baldwin, the vulture face of Harraway, the secretary, and a dozen more who were among the leaders of the lodge. He rejoiced that they should all be there to take counsel over his news.
"Indeed, it's glad we are to see you, Brother!" cried the chairman. "There's business here that wants a Solomon in judgment to set it right."
"It's Lander and Egan," explained his neighbour as he took his seat. "They both claim the head money given by the lodge for the shooting of old man Crabbe over at Stylestown, and who's to say which fired the bullet?"
McMurdo rose in his place and raised his hand. The expression of his face froze the attention of the audience. There was a dead hush of expectation.
"Eminent Bodymaster," he said, in a solemn voice, "I claim urgency!"
"Brother McMurdo claims urgency," said McGinty. "It's a claim that by the rules of this lodge takes precedence. Now Brother, we attend you."
McMurdo took the letter from his pocket.
"Eminent Bodymaster and Brethren," he said, "I am the bearer of ill news this day; but it is better that it should be known and discussed, than that a blow should fall upon us without warning which would destroy us all. I have information that the most powerful and richest organizations in this state have bound themselves together for our destruction, and that at this very moment there is a Pinkerton detective, one Birdy Edwards, at work in the valley collecting the evidence which may put a rope round the necks of many of us, and send every man in this room into a felon's cell. That is the situation for the discussion of which I have made a claim of urgency."
There was a dead silence in the room. It was broken by the chairman.
"What is your evidence for this, Brother McMurdo?" he asked.
"It is in this letter which has come into my hands," said McMurdo. Me read the passage aloud. "It is a matter of honour with me that I can give no further particulars about the letter, nor put it into your hands; but I assure you that there is nothing else in it which can affect the interests of the lodge. I put the case before you as it has reached me."
"Let me say, Mr. Chairman," said one of the older brethren, "that I have heard of Birdy Edwards, and that he has the name of being the best man in the Pinkerton service."
"Does anyone know him by sight?" asked McGinty.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
unfriendly [,ʌn'frendli]


adj. 不友好的;不利的 adv. 不友善地

hush [hʌʃ]


n. 肃静,安静,沉默
vi. 安静下来,掩饰

precedence [pri'si:dəns]


n. 优先,居先

throne [θrəun]


n. 王座,君主

solemn ['sɔləm]


adj. 庄严的,严肃的,隆重的

felon ['felən]


n. 重罪人,蛇头

vulture ['vʌltʃə]


n. 秃鹰,兀鹰,贪婪的人

affect [ə'fekt]


vt. 影响,作用,感动

escape [is'keip]


v. 逃跑,逃脱,避开
n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃

judgment ['dʒʌdʒmənt]


n. 裁判,宣告,该判决书





