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成长的烦恼第七季 第3集:In Vino Veritas

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Mike: Ah… Mr. Brower.
Luke: Sorry I'm late Mr. Seaver
Mike: That's the third time in a row Luke, maybe I should call 555-Deli and leave a wake up call?
Luke: Don't worry I only sleep in class
Mike: Hello, So ho Pete's? This is Francis X. Tedesco and I need to speak with one of your employees Luke Brower. I think he's a waiter, well maybe a bus boy. You sure? Ok thank you. That's funny they never heard of him.
Mr.Tedesco: Neither have we, I just tried to pull his file, there isn't one.
Mike: His file is missing?
Mr. Tedesco: No, Luke Brower does not exist.
Mike: Thank you. Luke I can't believe you're living here.
Luke: Well, I am.
Mike: Well I don't get it, what about your parents!??
Luke: I don't have any and I don't need them. I am doing fine right here.
Mike: Luke, there's got to be some place better than this!!??
Luke: Yeah Yeah, Like where?
Mike: Like Like, some sort of city outreach sort of nice, happy place!!??
Luke: I've tried all the happy places, this is better.
Mike: We have a homeless boy living here!!!
Mr. Tedesco: What!!?? This is a school, we can't have kids here!!! I'll call the bureau of child welfare.
Mike: I can't let you live on a street like this!!
Luke: Oh you can't let me!!?? Well this morning I wasn't on the street. I had a place to sleep and a place to eat and a promising academic career. Now thanks to you I'm a homeless hungry dropout. Who are you? Charles Keeting!
Luke: Are you sure this is ok?
Mike: Yeah yeah, you can sleep in my sister's room. Don't worry it's fine she's away at college and you can talk to my dad in the morning.
Luke: I don't know,.
Mike: Stop worrying, it's fine just go on upstairs, first door on the right and uhh… Sometimes she keeps this umm... big stuffed dog on her bed just shove it off and hop in.
Luke: Ok, goodnight.
Mike: Oh no! I missed dinner! Kate's going to kill me! Well at least nothing else can go wrong tonight.
Carol: Ah!!

Mike: Oh Luke! Is your neck still bothering you? Oh Listen, you shouldn't have slept on the floor, you had the water bed.
Luke: Nah I didn't want to sleep in a bed that might wet me.
Mike: What do you say I make up for it with one of Michael Seaver's super duper homemade breakfasts?
Luke: Great!
Mike: Ok! What do we have marshmallow Twinkle or Mr. Smackie's Peanut Logs?
Luke: Well I was kind of hoping for something hot.
Mike: Well you can heat up with peanut logs but they'll burn the roof of your mouth. Ok I'll cook something.
Luke: How about pancakes?
Mike: Ok, we'll go out.
Luke: Well you got everything you need right here: flour, oil and eggs.
Mike: Wow, how did you learn how to make pancakes?
Luke: Till I was ten years old I used to help my mother cook at a lumber camp in Oregon.
Mike: Really?
Luke: Yep! When you got 68 men with chainsaws you better learn to watch you fly boy.
Mike: Listen Luke, why don't you just stay here for a while?

Luke: Huh?
Mike: Well you being out on the street and everything, it's kind of my fault.
Luke: Well I wouldn't say that…
Mike: Really!?
Luke: It's totally your fault, but there's no way your parents will ever let me stay here.
Mike: My parents!!? Luke Luke Luke, see this? This is the finger I have them wrapped around and I got nine more on standby. If I say you're staying, your staying.
Maggie: I don't care what you say, he's not staying.
Mike: But, why!!??
Maggie: Mike, this isn't like bringing home a stray puppy. This Luke could be dangerous, he could be a thief and we do have a five year old.
Jason: Your mom has a point Mike, we've got to think of Chrissy.
Mike: Mom, he's not dangerous, he's my best student! Ok and he's never stolen a thing except for food, clothes and home box office.
Jason: Mike all we're saying is…. He gets cable for free!??
Maggie: Jason stay focused. Mike you have no right!
Mike: Mom, I think you are being selfish.
Maggie: Selfish!!?? You're being naïve.
Jason: Mike, Maggie, wait a minute. Let's keep our emotions in check here.
Carol: Mike you slime bucket, of all the dumb things you've done, this is the dumbest.
Ben: Give it to him!
Carol: First you bring a complete stranger into our house.
Ben: Your bed.
Carol: And then you send him into my bed.
Ben: Occupied.
Carol: That's right! Why I'm minding my own stinking business!
Ben: Bring it home baby.
Carol: What you have done is so low and despicable that even your apprentice slime ball here agrees with me.
Ben: No I don't.
Carol: You don't? Then why have you been agreeing with me all morning?
Ben: I just want to see you get so mad that you flick foam from the corners of your mouth.
Carol: You snake! You scuzzwad! You slimy sniggley slime bucket!
Ben: There it is! Yes! Mission control we have achieved foam!
Jason: Stop torturing your sister. Carol wipe your mouth.
Carol: Mom, Dad, I demand a family conference.
Maggie: Carol that is an excellent suggestion. Would you and Ben please leave the room?
Carol: But it was my idea!!??
Jason: Yes it was a good one sweetheart, now get out! Ok Mike, Maggie, I think we owe Mike a chance to explain himself before we give him our arbitrary refusal.
Mike: Thank you!
Maggie: Alright.
Mike: Now can Luke stay!?
Maggie: No Chance.
Mike: Dad!
Jason: Wait wait, what your mother is saying is we realize that Luke is a needy guy.
Mike: Yes!
Jason: And yes we do have a lot to share and yes carol is off to her dorm so we do have an extra room. What was the problem Maggie?
Maggie: Jason he can't stay here.
Mike: Ok Fine! Can't stay here,where?
Jason: Foster home, I've consulted the bureau of child welfare Mike, I can help him get a great one, it will just take a little time. Meanwhile he can stay at a facility called Paton Hall, now I know it's not perfect.
Mike: Not pefect!!?? Dad, that place has gang members and drug addicts and that's the honours program.
Jason: He does have a point Maggie, that place can be real rough.
Maggie: Jason…
Jason: Well he's just gonna have to suck it up.
Maggie: Mike, we all feel sorry for Luke, but life isn't always fair. There are some things we can't fix.
Jason: I'll get him out of Paton Hall and into a foster home as soon as I can Mike. That's the best we can do.
Mike: Luke! Hey, you remember my folks.
Jason: Hi Luke.
Mike: Uhh…Listen Luke, we've bee talking things over and well just to lay it out there for you. Uhh.. .Dad.
Jason: Well Luke, what Mike's trying to say is that we completely understand your situation and we sympathize and so uh… Maggie.
Maggie: You can stay with us!!

Carol: Now if you are going to be using my room for awhile, you need to know some of the ground rules. Number one, don't let Ben touch fluffy things. Number two, don't let Ben touch anything else.
Luke: Got it.
Carol: Ok, now the closet. You can use this half but make sure your clothes don't crowd mine. I'm sure I don't have to tell you how easily linen wrinkles.
Luke: It's a stinking crime! That's why I pick one look and stick with it all year long.
Carol: I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking. How do you stay warm in the winter?
Luke: Oh, no problem in Jamaica man.
Carol: Jamaica?
Luke: Yeah I grew up there, I go back there every winter, I use to work as a cook at a plantation.
Carol: That must be a tough job.
Luke: All I can say is when you got to cook macaroons for 68 sweaty men with machetes you better learn to watch your coconuts.
Ben: Hey Luke! Mike and I thought you might need some extra clothes while you're here.
Luke: Jeans, T-shirts and a bra??
Ben: Actually this is Carol's, mom just washed it.
Carol: Great, now it needs to be washed again.
Ben: She's gone?
Luke: Yeah why?
Ben: Awww. Fluffy
Luke: I don't think she wants you doing that.
Ben: I know, that's why I do it. I don't know how she knows, but it drives her nuts. Hey Flufster, it's time to smell uncle Benny's armpit. How can you sleep in here with all this girly stuff?
Luke: I'm happy to have a bed at all, I'm use to sleeping in storerooms and movie theatres.
Ben: Movie theatres!!?? Doesn't that get expensive??
Luke: Not if you sneak in.
Ben: Sneak in??
Luke: Yup, I've got a surefire system where the theatre manager ushers me in, holds the door open and calls me sir.
Ben: Really!? Luke this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
foster ['fɔstə]


vt. 养育,培养,促进,鼓励,抱有(希望等)

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

upright ['ʌp'rait]


adj. 正直的,诚实的,合乎正道的

arbitrary ['ɑ:bitrəri]


adj. 任意的,专制的,武断的,霸道的

incredible [in'kredəbl]


adj. 难以置信的,惊人的

poison ['pɔizn]


n. 毒药,败坏道德之事,毒害
vt. 毒害,

baseball ['beis.bɔ:l]


n. 棒球

linen ['linin]


n. 亚麻布,亚麻线,亚麻制品
adj. 亚麻

row [rəu,rau]


n. 排,船游,吵闹
vt. 划船,成排

drawer ['drɔ:ə]


n. 抽屉,拖曳者,制图员,开票人





