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成长的烦恼第七季 第1集:Back to School

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Maggie: Hi honey.
Jason: Oh you're back…have you seen my credit cards?
Maggie: Oh yes…Did you know that you could double a spending limit with just one call?
Jason: You're kidding! You didn't.
Maggie: Relax; we only shopped at the back to school sales.
Ben: I'm supposed to start the tenth grade in Marvin Kline jeans?
Mom: They are just as good as the expensive ones.
Ben: Nothing comes between me and my Marvins? Please!
Chrissy: Look daddy, I got a new lunch box.
Jason: Hannibal lector? What happen to the surfs?
Chrissy: Dad, I'm starting kindergarden… I'ts a very fast crowd. What are you doing?
Carol: Well I have to start packing, I'm moving to the dorm on Monday.
Ben: Yes, yes yes!!!

Chrissy: Carol, this house won't be the same without you.
Ben: Yes Yes Yes!!!
Mike: Marvin Klines? Hahaha.
Jason: Hey Mike I'm glad you're here. Listen you and I have to have a little talk before we register for school.
Mike: Oh I already did it dad…and you guys can rest easy, I'm taking my courses seriously this time.
Maggie: Bugs bunny as archetype? Hero or Wascal?
Mike: If Boynton state teachers college offers it, that's e..eee..eee.e.. enough for me.
Jason: Come on What's with these courses this year…Psychology? You're taking psychology?
Mike: Yeah it's because I admire you dad.
Ben: Oh man, is it getting thick in here or what…
Maggie: Come on guys let's put your clothes away
Jason: Well, I wish we had discussed this first…See; the learning antic's down at the community center needs a student-teacher.
Mike: So?
Jason: I thought you might be interested.
Mike: Why?
Jason: Well, for one it pays a hundred dollars a week.
Mike: A hundred dollars a week huh?
Jason: Yeah and you also get the satisfaction out of giving a hand to some kids who need help.
Mike: A hundred dollars a week huh? No, dad I can't…I'm going to be busy with school.
Jason: Boynton state offers course credit for student teaching
Mike: Ok I'll do it.
Jason: You will?
Mike: Yeah.
Jason: Yeah.
Mike: Yeah, all right now I can drop psychology.

Chrissy: What if I don't like kindergarden?
Maggie: Oh Chrissy you are going to have so much fun today…Just remember to be polite and share, and do what your teacher says.
Ben: Great advice mom. Why don't you just tattoo "dweeb" on her forehead?
Chrissy: Wait a minute. Nobody said anything about tattoos.
Maggie: Honey your brother is just using a figure of speech, as in "put a sock in it".
Ben: Mom, on the first day of school, if you are not careful, you'll get a label that's going to dog you for the rest of your life.
Chrissy: Like what?
Ben: Sit in front, "dorfburger" Answer any questions: Bugerhead; Hang out with anyone wearing glasses: Geekus Maximus; And most important: Eat the green jello, asta la vista baby.
Maggie: What is wrong with green Jello?
Ben: Leo lime tongue plotnic.
Maggie: And who is he?
Ben: Just the secretary/ treasurer of the chess club.
Chrissy: Oh my gosh…I like green jello!
Maggie: Cut it out Ben…and Chrissy you just eat all the green jello you want.
Ben: There gonna call you lime tongue!
Carol: Isn't it a glorious day? I feel intrepid, leaving the nest and taking nothing with me.
Jason: Nothing uh?
Mike: Carol, I think I accidentally just tuned your guitar.
Carol: I'm in such a good mood today that not even an annoying pest like you could bother me.
Mike: Oh please Carol, annoying?
Carol: Mike, I'm serious,not just annoying…
Jason: Hey hey can we please maybe; it's a special day….How about a truce? Mike, you got any butterflies about your first day teaching?
Mike: Oh no way dad, I got all my lines memorized. Heres your books, study on your own, class dismissed. What do you think?
Carol: Jee, maybe they can make a movie about you. Drool, and deliver.

Mike: Hello, uh excuse me, Francis x Tedesco?
Francis: Not until 8am. (Sigh) How may I serve you?
Mike: Uh, well I'm here for the remedial studies class.
Francis: 8:30, seventh floor, room C. Whoom the teacher, go to jail.
Mike: No you don't understand, you see, I'm the teacher.
Francis: You're Seaver, Michael A?
Mike: Or as they call me at Boynton state "the teaching fool".
Francis: Student teachers full of jokes and youthful enthusiasm. How long do you think it will be until your dreams are shattered? Your dreams broken…
Mike: Well, my dad said I had to stay until 4:30. What are those?
Francis: This Mr. Seaver is what I do... Forms.HUD forms, HRA forms, ATW forms, I-9 forms, W-4 forms…I hate forms. And yet I must fill out everyone in triplicate
Mike: Why?
Francis: It's the only thing that stands between us and anarchy.
Mike: Yeah, I feel the same way about Brand.
Francis: Mr.Seaver, let's interface for a moment. Are you really committed to this job?
Mike: Yeah, pretty much I think.
Francis: These are your hiring forms. The only thing more agonizing than filling these out is filling out these termination forms. This task is like having a claw hammer shoved up your nose. This one is like having it yanked out. All I ask is that before you start working here you will agree to stay.
Mike: Hey the teaching fool does not know the meaning of the word quit.
Francis: You will be in charge of the students two days a week; you will be evaluated bi-monthly. Remember these are remedial students that need extra attention, which you- the teaching fool- will provide.
Mike: Ok, all right, great…well what should I start teaching today? I'm great at arts and Crafts.
Francis: Science.
Mike: Science….Some of my best friends took science.

Carol: Perfect…now this is the room of an independent woman.
Ann Miller: Carol Seaver?
Carol: Marie Ann miller? I am so pleased to meet you. I just want to say I'm so excited about living in the dorm. I know we are going to become great friends as we grow to know each other.
Ann Miller: Do you have a couple of hours to spend in the cafeteria right now?
Carol: Yes.
Ann Miller: Great because I have a boyfriend and we would like to be alone.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
register ['redʒistə]


v. 记录,登记,注册,挂号
n. 暂存器,记

universe ['ju:nivə:s]


n. 宇宙,万物,世界

incredible [in'kredəbl]


adj. 难以置信的,惊人的

magnet ['mægnit]


n. 磁体,磁铁,有强大吸引力的人或物

miller ['milə]


n. 磨坊主,铣床(工)

arduous ['ɑ:djuəs]


adj. 费力的,辛勤的,险峻的

guitar [gi'tɑ:]


n. 吉他

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

claw [klɔ:]


n. 爪,钳,螯,爪状物
v. 抓,撕

anarchy ['ænəki]


n. 无政府状态,混乱





