红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 31
Pao-ch'ai avails herself of the excuse afforded her by a fan to administer a couple of raps. While Ch'un Ling traces, in a absent frame of mind, the outlines of the character Ch'iang... -
红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 29
A happy man enjoys a full measure of happiness, but still prays for happiness. A beloved girl is very much loved, but yet craves for more love. Pao-yue, so our story runs, was gazing vacantly, w -
红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 28
Chiang Yue-han lovingly presents a rubia-scented silk sash. Hsueeh Pao-ch'ai blushingly covers her musk-perfumed string of red beads. Lin Tai-yue, the story goes, dwelt, after Ch'ing Wen&... -
红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 27
In the Ti Ts'ui pavilion, Pao-ch'ai diverts herself with the multi-coloured butterflies. Over the mound, where the flowers had been interred, Tai-yue bewails their withered bloom. Lin Tai... -
红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 26
On the Feng Yao bridge, Hsiao Hung makes known sentimental matters in equivocal language. In the Hsiao Hsiang lodge, Tai-yue gives, while under the effects of the spring lassitude, expression to -
红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 25
By a demoniacal art, a junior uncle and an elder brother's wife (Pao-yue and lady Feng) come across five devils. The gem of Spiritual Perception meets, in a fit of torpor, the two perfect men. -
红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 24
the drunken Chin Kang makes light of lucre and shows a preference for generosity. The foolish girl mislays her handkerchief and arouses mutual thoughts. But to return to our narrative. Lin Tai-yue&...2008-03-11 编辑:echo 标签: 日语
红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 23
Pao-yue and Tai-yue make use of some beautiful passages from the Record of the Western Side-building to bandy jokes. The excellent ballads sung in the Peony Pavilion touch the tender heart of Tai-yue -
红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 22
Upon hearing the text of the stanza, Pao-yue comprehends the Buddhistic spells. While the enigmas for the lanterns are being devised, Chia Cheng is grieved by a prognostic. Chia Lien, for we must -
红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 21
the eminent Hsi Jen, with winsome ways, rails at Pao-yue, with a view to exhortation. The beauteous P'ing Erh, with soft words, screens Chia Lien. But to resume our story. When Shih Hsiang-yuen2008-03-09 编辑:echo 标签: 日语
红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 20
Wang Hsi-feng with earnest words upbraids Mrs. Chao's jealous notions. Lin Tai-yue uses specious language to make sport of Shih Hsiang-yuen's querulous tone of voice. But to continue. Pao...2008-03-09 编辑:echo 标签: 犬夜叉
红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 19
In the vehemence of her feelings, Hua (Hsi Jen) on a quiet evening admonishes Pao-yue. While (the spell) of affection continues unbroken, Pao-yue, on a still day, perceives the fragrance emit -
红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 18
His Majesty shows magnanimous bounty. the Imperial consort Yuan pays a visit to her parents. The happiness of a family gathering. Pao-yue displays his polished talents. But let us resume our story. A -
红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 17
In the Ta Kuan Garden, (Broad Vista,) the merits of Pao-yue are put to the test, by his being told to write devices for scrolls and tablets. Yuan Ch'un returns to the Jung Kuo mansion, on a vi -
红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 16
Chia Yuan-ch'un is, on account of her talents, selected to enter the Feng Ts'ao Palace. Ch'in Ching-ch'ing departs, in the prime of life, by the yellow spring road. But we must ...
全英最孤独小学生 整所学校只有他1个人
他永远是早上第一个到的学校,晚上最晚走的一个。老师一直都点名叫他回答问题 -
真实的玛丽莲梦露 永远的性感icon
20世纪50年代早期,诺尔玛·简·贝克来到好莱坞,此后她一生都以玛丽莲自 - 3
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