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已上传0个录音 2021年英语专业四级听力真题 对话2
发布时间:2022-02-25 17:32   浏览:16次



W: Good morning, Mr. Green.
M: Good morning, Helen. Come and sit down. Um, we were a bit worried about your progress last term. But you've done some very good work recently. And I think it's barely safe to assume you'll pass the course now. In fact, if you can keep up this standard, we could very well be looking at a credit. W: A credit, really? M: Yes. As long as you keep up the good work. Anyway, the other thing we need to talk about is your next assignment. Right? W: Right. M: And you want to look at the subject of oil. W: Yes, it's a pretty major issue. I mean, there are millions of buses and cars and trucks in the world, all dependent on oil. And then the airline industry is carrying more and more people around world every year. So you have to consider global warming. M: Hang on a minute. I wouldn't go into global warming if I were you. That's a huge subject in its own right. And quite a controversial one, I might add. The assignment is only supposed to be 3,000 words, remember? If you're not careful, you'll be writing a 30,000-word thesis.
