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已上传0个录音 打工姐妹花第三季(MP3+中英字幕) 第61期:起大早赶晚集
发布时间:2021-05-18 13:24   浏览:10次



Next in line.
It happened! We made it to the front of the line! We're the front people! Yeah, we're the front people! Back people suck! No, no, I said "back people," "back people." Baruch hashem. We loved The Butler. You know, we've been through a lot. Tempers flared, things were said. I'm fairly certain that Dutch guy back there died. But we made it, and you guys are good people. The sea salt of the earth. Who's next? We are. I can only take a party of two. Are all four of you together? Nope. We don't know them. Guys? Cut 'em loose, Gar. All sold out. We're closed. I know you're driven mad with the power of being a doorman at a bakery, but come on! Max, you know what I want more than anything? To kill Jerri and Garry? 'Cause I'm totally on board. No, I want our business to have a line. I want to sell out. I want people to turn against each other for our product. Again, I could just take my top off.
