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已上传0个录音 福克斯新闻:商场里的圣诞老人居然不给孩子玩具枪?(1)
发布时间:2020-12-23 15:17   浏览:1次



So, boys and girls, here's a little secret for getting more presents for Christmas than you could ever imagine.
Ask for one from a politically correct shopping mall Santa and then film the response. What do you want for Christmas? Maybe, I want a nerf gun. No, no, no guns. It's just a nerf gun. No, not even a nerf gun. No, if your dad wants to get in for you, that's fine, but I can't bring it to you. What else would you want? What do you think? It's OK, buddy. It's OK if your dad -- It's OK. It's OK. So, just to be clear to the kids watching at home, that was not the real Santa. The real Santa got a cold and didn't want to spread it to the kids, so Santa trusted the shopping mall to find a reasonable substitute. The problem was it was on short notice and they ended up with this glum fellow who spreads Christmas cheer the way I spread sobriety, not well.
