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已上传0个录音 福克斯新闻:大多数美国人认为,拜登的蓝图是对国家有益的(4)
发布时间:2020-12-01 11:12   浏览:1次



And -- I was gonna say, and if he doesn't, Mayor Buttigieg?
Well, then, it really comes down to his supporters. And look, this is a tough time. I've been on the losing side of many elections. And especially in a polarized country like this, I know that there are a lot of folks who supported the current president who, you know, maybe everyone, almost everyone in your neighborhood and your church and your Facebook circle of friends feel the same way, to where it's very hard to believe or accept that he's not popular in the same way that four years ago, I have a lot of liberal friends who couldn't believe -- literally couldn't believe -- that Donald Trump had the support of more than a quarter of the country, let alone almost half, as he proved to do. But the simple reality is that President Trump has never had the support of a majority of the American people and this is the reality of where America is and where the election results are. You know, in terms of the popular vote, it wasn't even close. In terms of the Electoral College vote, the results are clear.
