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已上传0个录音 福克斯新闻:民主党的法院填塞计划是对选民的蔑视(3)
发布时间:2020-10-28 14:24   浏览:3次



All right, so I'm gonna leave that there and we'll pick that up you know with this vice presidential debate that's coming up next week. What about the Roe V. Wade issue?
It's interesting to me that we heard Joe Biden say last night, he thinks that Amy Barrett's a fine person and you know probably would be a good judge. We're sort of hearing them down playing this part of that issue. What do you see in that? Can I say first of all in the Kamala Harris, just one thing there. I mean she's switching her positions. She previously said she was open to packing the court. Now she won't answer the question. She's got a lot of things to answer for and I'd like her to take a pledge Senator Harris. I'd like her to say that she's not gonna continue to engage in the kind of religious bigotry that we have seen from her towards past court nominees, interrogating their Catholicism and other Democrats on the committee doing the same thing. They're trying to make the religious faith of Amy Barrett the central issue. This is a form of bigotry. Let's just call that out, it is anti-Catholic, anti-Christian, anti-faith bigotry.
