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已上传0个录音 TED演讲(MP3+双语字幕):信息就是食物(4)
发布时间:2020-06-20 09:20   浏览:10次



Does that really explain what we're seeing with the intellectual property battles nowadays?
Because those people who were hunter-gatherers in origin wanted to be free and roam and pick up information as they wanted, and those that were in the business of farming information wanted to build fences around it, create ownership and wealth and structure and settlement. So there was always going to be a tension within that. And everything I saw in the cultivation said there were huge fights amongst the foodies between the cultivators and the hunter-gatherers. And this is happening here. When I moved to preparation, this same thing was true, expect that there were two schools. One group of people said you can distill your information, you can extract value, separate it and serve it up, while another group turned around and said no, no you can ferment it. You bring it all together and mash it up and the value emerges that way. The same is again true with information. But consumption was where it started getting really enjoyable. Because what I began to see then was there were so many different ways people would consume this.
