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已上传0个录音 TED演讲(MP3+双语字幕):信息就是食物(1)
发布时间:2020-06-16 22:48   浏览:13次



I love my food. And I love information.
My children usually tell me that one of those passions is a little more apparent than the other. But what I want to do in the next eight minutes or so is to take you through how those passions developed, the point in my life when the two passions merged, the journey of learning that took place from that point. And one idea I want to leave you with today is what would would happen differently in your life if you saw information the way you saw food? I was born in Calcutta -- a family where my father and his father before him were journalists, and they wrote magazines in the English language. That was the family business. And as a result of that, I grew up with books everywhere around the house. And I mean books everywhere around the house. And that's actually a shop in Calcutta, but it's a place where we like our books.
