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已上传0个录音 TED演讲(视频+MP3+双语字幕):我从全职奶爸经历中学到的知识(6)
发布时间:2019-01-22 09:54   浏览:46次



Start to freak out, you know what I'm saying?
He was trying to confide in me -- I said, "You have no idea what you're talking about." She wakes up every morning, tired from the night before, baby attached to her breast, dropping this kid off at school, and taking this one to the park. Laundry piles up to the skies, he has a conversation on the phone for an hour with your mom about God knows what, takes the dog you wanted for a walk ... And nobody died, bro. She kept your kids alive all day, that's hard." I have become an advocate for stay-at-home parents. Why? Because finally, I was standing in their shoes. Because when you're standing in someone else's shoes, you see the world from a different perspective. And when you start to take steps, it feels like baby steps, wobbling. But then they turn into stomps. And you start making footprints for the next generation to walk in.
