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已上传0个录音 TED演讲(视频+MP3+双语字幕):我从全职奶爸经历中学到的知识(5)
发布时间:2019-01-21 10:42   浏览:32次



It turns out putting diapers on your head and play-fighting until the kids fall asleep is a great way to love your kids.
So, I was learning a lot, but it's not all fun and boogers, is it? I asked a group of stay-at-home parents what's the hardest thing, the thing they underestimated most about being stay-at-home parents, and they said that the loneliness was one of those things. Not having someone else to talk to, feeling inadequate, feeling selfish for wanting me-time. And nursery rhymes suck. Like, really, "Mary Had a Little Lamb" is cool the first couple of times, but after all these years on repeat, you wonder why Mary just ain't make herself a wool skirt and have lamb chops, you know what I'm saying? The one thing I underestimated most was the emotional fatigue. See, I was an artist, so I'd write songs for other artists. Because that's how I made money from home. But when you're with your kids all day, you become emotionally tired. And that means all your creativity comes from your emotions, so you're just tapped out, you're done.
