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已上传0个录音 VOA常速(翻译+字幕+讲解):再退群:美国退出联合国人权理事会
发布时间:2018-06-25 09:59   浏览:149次



For the last year, the United States has been working to reform the United Nations Human Rights Council into a serious advocate for human rights.
Regrettably, said U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Nikki Haley, the U.S. call for reform was not heeded: Human rights abusers continue to serve on and be elected to the council and the world's most inhumane regimes continue to escape scrutiny, and the council continues politicizing and scapegoating of countries with positive human rights records in an attempt to distract from the abusers in their ranks. For these reasons the United States has officially withdrawn from the UN Human Rights Council. One of the United States' central goals was to prevent the world's worst human rights abusers from gaining Human Rights Council membership. What happened? The Democratic Republic of Congo - known to have one of the worst human rights records in the world - was elected to the council. The Council also failed to respond in December and January
