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已上传0个录音 创业与企业发展(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第168期:客服的反馈
发布时间:2017-06-15 13:25   浏览:4次



Oh, so how do you make a decision on product?
And communicate that with your sort of engineering team when there's like lots of different directions to go? My feeling is that. So for us we just looked at support. It was really easy cuz you often just saw what are things that people are having the most amount of problems with? Or people asking all the time. You cannot help but get feature requests from people no matter like whatever opening or orifice you have in your product or app. Like, people will like jam feature requests in there. So you're easily going to know sort of what they sort of what. Your job as a product person and engineer is to not just do what they say, because that way, you'll just be a slave, is to figure out, sort of deeply, what are the reasons why underlying those things and sort of solve that deep underlying reason. The thing is that everyone wants to have a different way of. To sort of go, then ultimately it comes down to, like, someone's gonna figure something out. But I also make the smallest version of each little idea. No longer than a week or two weeks to build it out there. And you can try them out and see sort of what works and don't work.
