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已上传0个录音 托福口语TPO-33 听力部分(1)
发布时间:2016-09-29 09:40   浏览:30次



Now listen to two students discussing the letter.
Hey, did you read that letter? What do you think? Yeah, I read it. I understand what she's saying but I really don't agree with her suggestions. How come? Well, students often need to borrow the bikes for longer periods of time, sometimes a whole day. What for? Well, like, to do stuff off-campus, for instance, my friends and I on the weekends, sometimes we like to ride bikes to the state park outside of town and do some hiking there. And it basically takes a whole day. It's night time by the time when we get back. So if you had less time you wouldn't be able to do that. Right, and also her other suggestion doesn't seem practical to me. The card thing? Yeah, that's not gonna work. What if you want to enter a campus building? Even though you can get into most of the classroom buildings without a card, there are certain buildings on campus where you need to show your card to get in, like the library and dining hall. Yeah, that's true, so students wouldn't be able to go to any of those places till they got their cards back.
