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已上传0个录音 英国语文第二册(MP3+中英字幕) 第59期:在雪中穿行
发布时间:2015-11-13 09:58   浏览:9次



LESSON 59 Through the snow
"Oh, mother!" said Maggie Brown, "look at pussy making her way through the snow, and putting down her little paws as if she were afraid of sinking over head, shoulders and all!" Mrs. Brown had just come home. She had had a long, weary walk for miles through the snow. She had been heavily laden, and wearily her basket had hung on her arm, with several big parcels in it. Maggie should have run to relieve her mother of that heavy basket, and taken care to have a nice cup of tea ready to warm her after so chilling a walk. She loved her mother dearly, but she was rather a thoughtless girl; so she did not even help Mrs. Brown to pull off her boots, which were quite wet with melted snow. "My feet are like ice," said Mrs. Brown; "and no wonder, for my very stockings are wet." "Poor little pussy! she has neither stockings nor boots," laughed Maggie;
