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已上传0个录音 商务英语基础教程2(MP3+字幕) 第15课:Cultural Barriers
发布时间:2015-02-10 10:22   浏览:40次



Lesson 15 Dialogue Cultural Intelligence
Having such a diverse workforce is surely an asset, but sometimes all sorts of impediments prevent us from seeing eye-to-eye. For sure! I have tried small talk as way to build a tie, but sometimes I crave major tactics to convey deep cultural insights. Unfortunately, I don't think that you and I can take a crash course. We'll just have to assimilate over time even though speed is the essence of most business these days. Sometimes cultural cues are even more important than the message itself in order to be understood and accepted. Right on. We need to practice true localization. We can't just be here, but we truly have to be a part of the social fabric to create acceptance and avoid misunderstanding. It'ssometimes products are attractive and embraced because of their "foreignness," and other times they are rejected for that very reason.