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已上传0个录音 商务英语基础教程2(MP3+字幕) 第9课:Strategic Planning
发布时间:2015-02-04 10:01   浏览:10次



Lesson 09 Dialogue Drill Down & Scale-Up
Okay, so first of all, our brand is known for its savvy image. So, we should promote that foremost. Yes, and secondly, we should drill down on the data that our marketing team has already. For sure. Once we know local preferences for flavors, colors, and textures, then we can start to scale-up operations. How to enter a market can seem so murky at first! So, I am glad that we captured some data and have formulated a plan. As always, our image should be welcoming to all, but it is key to keep in mind our core customer. Then we can establish some price points that will create customer spending. Well, it looks like it was advantageous to be so pre-emptive in entering this market. Although the coffee-cafe culture is a bit new here, there seem to be signs of acceptance.