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已上传0个录音 《名人传记》之李小龙如何改变世界57:游戏创作的灵感之源
发布时间:2014-03-19 16:26   浏览:21次



I love Bruce Lee.
That was the inspiration for the whole thing. I wanted always to do a martial arts game, because I want to do something Bruce Lee-like. But translating Bruce Lee's dynamism and fighting style into a game is no mean feat. To get the most realistic fighting simulation possible, Ralph decided to use a technique called motion capture, where human movement is filmed then digitally recreated. After an extensive search, Ralph found the man he thought best captured Bruce Lee's speed and fighting style, a Jeet Kune Do instructor from Glasgow named Tommy Carruthers. And he's just Jeet Kune Do guy around the world. I mean, his speed, his power, and his precision, it's just unmatched. I just love looking what he does, you know? We shot, I think, seven days of motion capture and doing all the footwork, punches and kicks, and we done the stunt work and the fight choreographer, which was pretty hard work and pretty good... exciting and something different.
他是整个游戏的灵感之源 我一直想开发一款搏击类游戏 因为我想做点和李小龙挂钩的东西 但是将李小龙的魄力和武打风格融入游戏并非易事 为了使动作模仿更逼真 Ralph决定运用动作捕获技术 即先拍摄人类动作 再将其数字化 大量搜寻之后 Ralph找到了心目中捕捉李小龙速度和拳风的最佳人选 他就是格拉斯哥的截拳道教练Tommy Carruthers 他只是练过截拳道 我是指 他的速度 力道和精准度 还是有差距 我只是喜欢看他的动作 懂吗? 我们拍摄了 我想 7天的动作捕捉镜头 步法 出拳和踢腿 做了特技和格斗动作设计 挺难的 但很漂亮... 刺激 挺与众不同的