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已上传0个录音 AP News一分钟新闻:奥斯卡颁奖星光璀璨,李安再捧小金人
发布时间:2013-02-27 10:12   浏览:32次



AP ShowBiz Minute
Daniel Day-Lewis made history at the Oscars. He took home a record third Best Actor award for his portrayal of Abraham Lincoln. Despite not being in the Best Director category, Ben Affleck's "Argo" got best picture along with two other prizes. "Life of Pi" had the most awards with four, including a surprise win for Director Ang Lee. Jennifer Lawrence took a tumble as she collected her Best Actress Oscar for her role in "Silver Linings Playbook," but joked about it in her speech. Anne Hathaway kept her feet when she received her Best Supporting Actress trophy, her film "Les Miserables" won three awards overall. "Django Unchained" won two statuettes, including Best Supporting Actor for Christopher Waltz, as did "Skyfall," which saw Adele take home the first Oscar awarded to a Bond theme. Melissa McCarthy's "Identity Thief" returned to the top spot at the U.S. box office on a typically slow Oscar weekend. It took an estimated $14.1 million. "A Good Day to Die Hard" dropped to second with 10 million. This is Sid Dixon with AP ShowBiz Minute.
丹尼尔・戴・刘易斯创造奥斯卡历史。刘易斯凭借电影《林肯》第三次获得奥斯卡最佳男演员。 虽然没有获得最佳导演奖,但导演兼主演的本・阿弗莱克凭借《逃离德黑兰》获得最佳影片奖和其他两个奖项。 最终,《少年派的奇幻漂流》为导演李安赢得最佳导演奖。 詹妮弗・劳伦斯凭借《乌云背后的幸福线》获得奥斯卡最佳女主角,她在获奖感言中坦言,直到拿到奖杯才恍然大悟。 安妮・海瑟薇紧跟劳伦斯脚步,获得最佳女配角。她出演的电影《悲惨世界》共获得三项大奖。 电影《被解放的迪亚戈》获得包括克里斯多夫・沃尔兹凭的最佳男配角在内的两项大奖。 阿黛尔凭借007系列电影主题曲《天幕杀机》捧得职业第一座小金人。 梅丽莎・麦卡西凭借电影《致命窃贼》再度回归美国票房冠军宝座,奥斯卡颁奖礼后《致命窃贼》的票房达到1410万美元。 《虎胆龙威5 》以1千万美元的票房排在榜单第二的位置。 西德・狄克报道,这里是美联社娱乐新闻。