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已上传0个录音 NPR讲解附字幕:美国自动减支期限临近 俄罗斯古巴遇陨石袭击
发布时间:2013-02-19 14:51   浏览:12次



From NPR News in Washington, I'm Nora Raum.
A bomb exploded at a busy market in southwest Pakistan today. Police say at least 63 people were killed, at least 180 others were wounded. The attack occurred in a Shiah Muslim neighborhood in the city of Quetta, which has been targeted several times in recent months by hardline Sunnite militants. On March 1st to cross the board spending cuts that will reduce federal spending by 85 billion dollars beginning to take effect. NPR's Brian Naylor reports the Obama administration is starting to sound the warning bell. What's known as a sequestration in Washington speak will cut domestic spending by 5% and the defence budget by about 8%, its effects will be widespread, any government employees will face temporary layoffs or full loads. Air travelers may be confronted with longer lines at security because of fewer TA screeners and then delays in getting off ground due to fewer air traffic controllers. Homeland security says there will be fewer boots on the ground patrolling the border with Mexico.
今天,巴基斯坦西南部一处繁忙的市场发生炸弹袭击。 警方表示,这起袭击至少造成63人死亡,另有180人受伤。 袭击发生在奎达市,临近什叶派穆斯林地区, 这起袭击如近几个月发生的多起袭击一样,目标为强硬的逊尼派武装组织。 3月1日,联邦自动减支850亿美元的计划将开始生效。 据NPR新闻的布莱恩・内勒报道,奥巴马政府已发出警告。 华盛顿方面的全面自动减支计划 为国内支出减少5%,国防预算减少8%, 这项计划的影响将极其广泛, 而政府雇员将面临临时失业或更高的负荷。 航空旅客在进行安检时可能要等更长的时间,因为机场安检人员将会减少, 而且由于空中交通管制员数量的减少,也将有越来越多的飞机会晚点。 国土安全部表示,墨西哥边境的巡逻人员也将减少。