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已上传0个录音 CRI News Report:在苏丹被劫持4名中国员工安全获释
发布时间:2013-01-18 10:51   浏览:10次



Four Chinese workers, who were abducted last week in Sudan's Darfur region,
have been released and are reported to be in good health. The Chinese Embassy in Khartoum said the Chinese workers have been handed to the United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur. Despite the release, embassy officials has since advised Chinese companies and Chinese nationals in Sudan to exercise maximum caution. North Darfur state's authorities earlier arrested a number of people belonging to a rebel faction responsible for the kidnapping. Efforts are also continuing to ensure the release of five Sudanese who were abducted along with the four Chinese last Saturday. A British and a Norwegian have been killed reportedly in an attack by Islamist militants on a gas facility in Algeria. At least 20 more - including US, French, British, Norwegian and Japanese citizens - are being held at the facility near Amenas. The raid, claimed by an al Qaeda affiliate, came after Islamists had vowed to retaliate for France's military intervention in Mali, where its forces have been in action against al Qaeda-linked militants since last week.
现已全部安全获释,据报道目前四人身体状况良好。 中国驻喀士穆大使表示,中国员工已经安置在“联合国-非洲联盟驻达尔富尔特派团”。 虽然被劫持人员已获释, 但是大使馆官员还是提醒所有在苏丹的中国企业和中国公民,务必要格外小心谨慎。 不久前,北达尔富尔州官员逮捕了几名与这起绑架案有关的反对派成员。 上周六与中国员工一同遭遇绑架的五名苏丹公民还未获释,目前营救工作仍在继续。 据报道,阿尔及利亚一处天然气设施遭到伊斯兰武装分子的袭击,造成1名英国人和1名挪威人死亡。 至少还有20余人被扣押在阿迈纳斯附近的天然气设施内,这其中包括美国、法国、英国、挪威以及日本的公民。 隶属于“基地”组织的一伊斯兰武装组织声称制造了此次绑架, 旨在报复法国军队对马里地区的干涉行动, 法国军队自上周开始对马里地区与基地组织有关的武装组织采取军事行动。