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已上传0个录音 CRI News Report:巴勒斯坦呼吁以色列停止袭击 日本政府继续刺激经济
发布时间:2012-11-20 10:54   浏览:12次



The Palestinians are appealing to the UN Security Council to take action to stop Israreli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip.
The Palestinian permanent observer to the UN has made the appeal following a closed-door session called to discuss the Israeli offensive in Gaza. The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in Hamas-controlled Gaza has been escalating in recent days. A leading Hamas leader was killed in an Israeli strike on Wednesday, following a dramatic upstick in rocket attacks from Gaza into southern Israel. A large number of Israeli troops are massed along the border, leading to speculation there may be a ground incursion into Gaza. Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has confirmed a second round of fiscal stimulus is going to be unleashed before the end of this month. Noda has been meeting with his economic policy officials today. However, details of the plan are still unclear. It's believed the Japanese Cabinet won't have the authority to use budget reserve funds for the stimulus package once parliament is dissolved on Friday. As a result, it's believed Noda's plan will have little immediate impact on the economy.
联合国召开闭门会议讨论以色列对加沙地带的军事打击,之后巴勒斯坦常驻联合国观察员提出以上要求。 加沙地带由哈马斯政权控制,近日,以色列和巴勒斯坦在加沙地带的冲突日益升级。 周三,一名哈马斯首领在以色列的军事袭击中死亡, 导致加沙地带向以色列南部发起猛烈的火箭弹袭击。 以色列大批军队集结在边境待命,不免让人猜测,以色列可能将大举进攻加沙地带。 日本首相野田佳彦已批准第二轮刺激经济政策,政策将于本月底前实施。 今日,野田与经济官员会面。 目前,详细的经济计划还不明朗。 据悉,周五如果众院解散,那日本内阁就没有权力动用预算准备金刺激经济。 其结果便是,野田的计划对促进经济增长的作用微乎其微。