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已上传0个录音 有声读物《苔丝》第11期:新生活(4)
发布时间:2021-06-11 14:42   浏览:4次



The atmosphere of the flat valley hung like a drug over the dairy people, the cows and the trees.
It was Sunday morning after milking. Tess and the other three girls dressed quickly to go to Mellstock Church,which was three or four miles away from Talbothays. Heavy thunderstorms had poured down the day before, but today the sun shone brightly and the air was warm and clear. When the girls reached the lowest part of the road to Mellstock, they found it was flooded. In working clothes and boots they would have walked through, but they were wearing Sunday white stockings and thin shoes which they did not want to ruin. The church bell was calling, still a mile away. Suddenly they saw Angel Clare approaching. He had seen them from far away, and had come to help them, one of them in particular. ‘I'll carry you through the water, all of you,’he offered.All four blushed as if they had one heart.
It was July and very hot.
到了7月,天气非常炎热。 悬浮在平坦的山谷中的大气就像麻醉剂一般,笼罩着奶场的人们、奶牛和树木。 这是挤完奶后的一个星期天的早晨。 苔丝和另外三个姑娘急匆匆地换上衣服,准备到梅尔斯托克教堂去,那儿距塔尔勃塞有三四英里远。 前一天刚下过很大的暴雨,今天却阳光明媚,空气温和清新。 当姑娘们走到通向梅尔斯托克那条路的最低的一段时,发现这一段路被洪水淹没了。 平时穿着工作服和靴子,她们走过去就行了。但今天她们穿着做礼拜才穿的白袜子和薄鞋子,她们可不想把它们都毁了。 还有一英里路,教堂的钟声已经响了。 突然,她们看到安吉尔・克莱尔正朝这边走近。 他远远就看见她们了,是过来帮助她们的,特别是她们中的某一个。 “我把你们都抱过水去,你们所有人。”他开口提供帮助。四个人的脸不约而同地全红了,好像心有灵犀。