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已上传0个录音 CNN新闻中英双语讲解附字幕:爱荷华州的党团会议
发布时间:2011-12-28 17:36   浏览:9次





I think, you are not with John Denner or Mitchil McConnel. You don't, you wouldn't vote to extend the payroll tax cut for another year.

No, I would. I, no. I believe in the social security system, we're gonna fix the social security system. So it's there. And it's solved, and it's there for future generations. And we have so many years I have heard what we're taking the social security tech hours when we spend it on other things. Here we are, seeking social security tech hours and spending it on other things. And in this case, a tax cut for the American consumers now that's a good thing to spend it on. But it either is the social security trust fund, and it either is the money to pay social security benefits, and it's levying for that purposes or it's not. And in this case, you see, the president advocated and pushing to undermine the stability of our social security system, and I'm against that.
What is Ron Paul bringing it to this race, that's exciting a lot of potential caucus goers in Iowa.

Uh, a lot of money, he's hehehe... he's been running, been here Iowa for two weeks and there isn't a commercial break that passes Ron Paul deosn't have an AD. And of course, he has a loyal following, he's got a very ground, good grassroot's organizaton, and really nobody's talking about, all the negative ads from governor Perry, from Mitt Romney been focused on New Gringe.

 I think, the, the point is that this ad, this poll was taken as a lot of other polls were taken before the last debate and I think, both Michial Buckman and I did a pretty good job of showing how dangerous Ron Paul will be as a nominee for our party while he'd be in opposition, where he would be to the left  in fact far to left president Obama on issue of national security. It'd be great thing if he were running as a liberal Democrate, but he is not, he's running this as a Republican.

I think more people who see that clear contrast someone like myself who's been out there, who understands the threat that faces this country. Someone who has a clear idea how we can make American safer, and it isn't by guiding our defense department and making us the third world, the third rate power in the world. We have a lot of folks who're very concerned that between Micheal Buckman, Rit Perry, Myself. Then we're gonna split the conservative vote, and someone like Gingrige or Romney, or now even Paul can end up wining Iowa caucus, we can be left with someone who's not paritculaly conservative as the standard bearer, the party there was a lot of conversations compete, serveral people called me, and said, would you consider, you know, maybe getting out, supporting someone else, we're gonna call the other candidates to do the same. And my response that is, you know, let people of Iowa vote, uh, this race is gonna be over after one after one caucus, this is a long process, let people decide who are the best person, they carried the conservative banners. I believe they are gonna select me, I feel very confident about that, but you know what if somebody else, that's fine. we let, we have to trust the voters instead of some deal being made between candidates, I rejected that, and thankfully, so did all other candidates reject that, that, it's just people good intention as it was, I think it was a good intention because they're concerned about the issues are being front-and-center in this debate. and it was just not, it was not a proper idea.

我会的 。我相信美国的社会保障体系,我们要修正社会保障体系。所以它就被抬上了台面。它的存在了是为了我们的子孙后代。我听见社会保障技术已经很多年,而我们把钱花在其他方面。我们现在在这里,寻求社会保障技术而把钱花在这里。在这种情况下,减税对于美国消费者来说无疑是一件政府值得破费的好事情。但是,要么是社会保障信托基金,要么是交纳社会安全福利,而它的征收目事实上却并不是这样。在这种情况下,你看,总统倡导和推动破坏稳定的社会保障体系,我反对。


1. payroll n.  工资单, 工薪总额

The general manager is trying to meet the payroll.

2. security n.  安全, 保证

She swindled 1000 out of the Social Security.
她骗得了 1000 英镑社会保险金。

3. levy v.  征收, 发动

The nation levied all able-bodied man for the war.

4. potential a.  潜在的, 可能的

He hasn't realized his full potential yet.

5. commercial a.  商业的

It is a cable or, to be more exact, a commercial cable.

6. opposition n.  反对, 敌对

The minister made a tilt at the opposition leader in Parliament.
