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Tampons are the latest addition to the growing list of out of stock items in states all across the country.
Supply chain problems have left many shelves sparse and the products have become more expensive, making it equally hard to find affordable alternatives. My colleague Lisa Desjardins looks into what's behind this latest shortage. Overlapping with the ongoing baby formula shortage, scarcity of some tampon products across the country is driving more consumer frustration. To explain what's happening here, I'm joined by Sharon Terlep of The Wall Street Journal. Sharon, Americans know by now we've had supply chain issues up and down, the product line for consumers. But why in particular, with tampons what's going on? Sure, it's a case of, there's problems all over. And it's, you know, just some of them happen to hit tampons. But part of this is because it's an industry that's dominated by one very large player, Procter & Gamble, they ran into some bumps.
