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All right, Dagen, I'm going to say one thing in defense of the shopping mall Santa.
It might have been a policy. It could have been a policy of the mall. Who knows? No, it wouldn't have been a policy of the mall. And that mother had an infant with her. She had to put the infant down to console the little boy. In the meantime, if I had been a bystander, I would have taken a dive across that desk and broken that fat ass' glasses. We don't know if he's actually fat. Don't fat shame. Hey, Jesse, do you know the other big story about this? The enduring quality of nerf products that we are still talking about nerf products. We've had nerf products since we were like four. Yeah. I mean, I asked my parents for a nerf gun for Christmas and they said no too because they're far-left. And look how I turned out. I'm a Fox host, mom. I mean, that backfired, didn't it? But I mean, when I heard this -- I heard your monologue, which was a great monologue, when I heard this today, the first thing I did was look up how much mall Santas make, obviously.
