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2020年高考(上海卷)英语听力真题 短文(1)已上传0个录音

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Every year in the U.S. about 133 million pounds of food goes to waste.
A lot of it is fruits and vegetables, like three legged carrots, and fought strawberries. They are deserted simply because they are not pretty enough to be displayed on store shelves. If you look at the big picture, about a third of the planet's food goes to waste for the same reason. That's enough to feed 2 billion people. Now, a company called Imperfect Me is trying to change that situation. The company collects ugly fruits and vegetables from farmers and markets and sells them to local residents at a deep discount. It can be 30 to 50% of the regular price. Similar campaigns are underway in places like Boston, as well as Portugal and the UK. For now, most chain supermarkets don't carry ugly fruits and vegetables.
