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美国总统选举中的地理学(MP3+双语字幕) 第249期:2008美国总统大选(52)已上传0个录音

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yes, so the question is
if the news of the day is not financial crisis that's going to lead to different results from periods that are good times yes look at Bill Clinton's election in 1992 with his campaign strategy putting signs up everywhere it's the economy stupid with the campaign slogan always to focus on the recession figuring that would be to the advantage of the Democrats and it probably was in the next election 1996 the financial situation was much better and cultural issues became much more important in that election although the actual voting patterns were very very similar in 1992 and in 1996 and time is when military concerns are foremost 2004 would be a good example that tends to benefit the Republicans who do better in polling on national security issues although this election a bit different
