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U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo noted in a recent interview
that China and Russia represent challenges as well as opportunities for the United States. China has wealth and resources, and Russia is a power that is struggling mightily, he explained. We need to make sure we understand what China is doing, warned Secretary Pompeo. President Donald Trump has been very clear about the risk to America associated with China's willingness to acquire U.S. intellectual property both by licit and illicit means. Geopolitically, the U.S. has its eyes wide open with respect to China's efforts to expand its influence in the South China Sea and around the world. China has an important role to play when it comes to pursing the denuclearization of North Korea, stressed Secretary Pompeo. At this point, it is critical for China to maintain a tight sanctions regime against North Korea. Regarding Russia, President Trump has been unambiguous since he took office that there are places where Russia is working against the United States but many places where we work together, said Secretary Pompeo.
