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At the recent NATO Defense Ministerial, Secretary of Defense James Mattis observed
that threats to our collective security have not waned, whether terrorism to the south or Russia's aggression and hybrid threats to the east. Burden-sharing among alliance members has improved since 2014 when only three nations' military spending was at 2 percent of GDP, noted Secretary Mattis. Last year saw the largest across-NATO increase in military spending in a quarter century. In 2018, eight nations are already meeting the 2 percent pledge benchmark and more are on track to reach 2 percent by 2024. In the global fight against ISIS, Secretary Mattis said, we will continue to carry out operations necessary to crush the physical caliphate and prevent a resurgence of ISIS-Daesh. We will be unrelenting in our effort. Working with like-minded nations, we will target ISIS around the world, for this remains a global fight.
