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梅林传奇第1季第13集:The End is Near 生死守恒(19)已上传0个录音

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And you're willing to give you life, Gaius, for the future they will bring? I'm waiting.
Are you ready to die, Gaius? Gaius. For Merlin, I will give my life.Stop! Back again so soon, warlock? What have you done? Your mother is safe. Isn't that what you wanted? Have you killed him? It was his wish. I bid my life for Arthur's, not my mother's, not Gaius'! The old religion does not care who lives and who dies. Only that the balance of the world is restored. To save a life, a life must be taken. Gaius knew this. It is not the old religion that has done this. It is you. Come, now. We are too valuable to each other to be enemies.
