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创业与企业发展(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第175期:按需送货网络体系已上传0个录音

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It wasn't actually that long ago where I sat in your seats. I was class of 2014, graduated in CS, as well as my co-founder, Andy.
And, for those of you who don't know what Doordash is,we're building an on-demand delivery network for local cities. And I wanna start off with this photo that I took just a few months ago,and I think this was the night when we just raised our series A. And I took this photo as I was walking back to where I lived. I actually lived in Robly at the time, on campus. And, I took this photo because I realized just how ridiculous the combinations of things I was holding in my hand at that time, and I was holding my CS 247 homework. And then, I had my tax forms,since it was April and I had to fill out taxes. And then also that yellow speeding ticket,and then right below that was a $15 million dollar piece of paper I just signed from Sequoia.
