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创业与企业发展(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第169期:在家里办公已上传0个录音

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But how it worked is someone randomly in the company got drawn and they got to be the king,
and the king got to tell everyone else what to do on the product. So everything that was bothering them about Wufoo. About the customer support stuff, or some feature they really want to have built. They've got the engineering resources, the market resources, the advertising resources of everyone inside of the company, to make it sort of happen. And of course, we'd work with them to figure out like what can be actually done in 48 hours. But we would do this one to two times a year. And it was like a huge hit and it was a boost to morale, cuz what people most love. It is like working on things where it's like, oh, I made a difference to the app. Right? And so, for us, that's one way that we would like sort of divide time for like product direction. It's like some times the people that work for you, they have a strong opinion about where it, where it should go. And it's a good way to sort of democratize it a little bit, by rotating it around. Yes. You said you guys all work from home. Usually seems like a nightmare. In that office, how do you make that work? Okay, so we all work from home. So, I will tell you this.
