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创业与企业发展(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第166期:产品的用户需求已上传0个录音

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Some users will love one thing and another will, will another.
And I agree, there's a interesting fine line for that. What I always, usually tell people, is focus on the people who are the most passionate, especially in the early stages. Right? Whoever's, whatever niche it's gonna be, that's who I focus on completely. Things that a lot of different projects did. I think Ben Silverman of Pinterest started off with a designer bloggers, right? Curtail your thing for them and eventually you'll figure out sort of universal values that will appeal to a lot of other people. So, just start one at a time. And. The, a lot of the examples that you see up there, a lot of people make the mistake is like, oh, I'll just make my app funny. But, humor is like really difficult to do. Right? What you wanna shoot for is something sort of witty. And, quite honestly, you have to get functionality right. So like the Japanese quality. If you don't have a on there, right, don't try to do anything witty, right, cuz it will backfire on you. So hands down, our number one focus is make it as easy to use as possible for and anything else on top was polish. Right here. So so everybody says that to focus on your product.
