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BBC纪录片《中国新年》(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第82期:制作烟花已上传0个录音

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Ren Zhong is the lead scientist here. He is obsessed with pyrotechnics.
If you could make any firework, like your ultimate dream firework, what would it be? Zhong has agreed to share his secret recipe for red fireworks with me. What's it like, the moment that you've designed something in the laboratory and you get to see it explode for the first time, what does it feel like? That's magical, right? You've got the best job ever! I want to do this, I want to make them myself. Alright, so mix up and then pour down there. The mixture we made is carefully spooned into a tube. Time to find out if the recipe has worked.
