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托福口语TPO-33 听力部分(3)已上传0个录音

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Listen to a conversation between two students.
Tina, I'm so glad I bump into you. Hey, Bob, what's up? Well, you know how I told you I could work for you tonight? Cover you shift at the dining hall later? Yeah, thanks so much for that. Friday night dinner shifts are tough to find substitutes for. Well, actually... Oh, no! Don't tell me something came up and you're canceling? Um, yeah, I'm afraid I forgot tonight I've got a music rehearsal for the band I'm in. Music rehearsal? Yeah, I play keyboards for Little Rock Band here on campus and we've got practice tonight to prepare for a concert we're doing that's coming up. It's really kind of important. Well, I don't know what to do now because I already made plans to go to the school's play with some friends tonight. Oh! Yeah, and there's no way I can find someone else to work my shift now. It's so last minute. I'm really sorry, Tina. Well, I guess I could cancel my plan to see the play. Go see it another time by myself since my friends are seeing it tonight.
