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Listen to a conversation between two students.
Hey. Lin. What' s up? Oh. Just getting ready for my grandmother to come to town. She is flying in tomorrow to visit me for a few days at school. Oh. Yeah? Is she going to stay at your apartment? Yeah. It would be good. We can spend some time together and I can show her around campus and stuff. Sounds nice. Yeah. I am looking forward to it. But I am not sure what to do about picking her up from the airport. What do you mean? Well, her flight gets in tomorrow. But the problem is, my biology professor scheduled a special review session... uh...for an upcoming biology exam at the same time I am supposed to pick her up. I didn't know there'd be this conflict. Oh. Well, how important is the review session? Do you think you can miss it to pick your grandmother up? It's optional. But this professor's review sessions are usually really helpful, he does a good job going over what's going to be on the exam. So it would be good to go, but...maybe I'll have to miss it. Is there something else you could do? Yeah. Actually I spoke with my friend Mary and she offered to pick my grandma up from the airport.
