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BBC纪录片《老妈私房菜》(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第99期:感谢妈妈们已上传0个录音

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It's the best fish in the world, turbot.
How many turbots did you do, two? There are two. Look at that. How fantastic is that? Oh, yes, don't forget the sauce.That's massively important because it's spectacular. What makes me really pleased is that the unusual dishes have gone down so well. You're right, dude.Our spicy Texan twosome, and the rich creamy risotto,have been as popular as our Sunday classics. I think the Texan cornbread is really nice.And also, the risotto. And the beef.And the potatoes.And the homemade horseradish. I think that counts as a result, mate. So let's give it up for our fantastic mums, starting with Peter and his great risotto. So, what did we think of the turbot? Yeah! It's lovely.Yes! It's just the sweetest of fish, isn't it? Now, ladies, giving it up for the beans! Hey, I hope they're not too full yet. Cos it's time for the fantastic puds.
