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BBC纪录片《老妈私房菜》(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第98期:周日晚宴已上传0个录音

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We've invited 30 discerning foodies.
Including some of our VIP mums' families. To enjoy our inspirational Sunday dinner. We need to present the mothers. And first, we have Peter, who's not strictly speaking a mother. Leonie, put the fish down, love. Come on. Now, and last but not least, we've got our Julia. Oh, here she comes, our Jules. So you've heard of tasting menus.This is like a tasting menu,but with Sunday dinners. What's great about it is that these are Sunday lunches that people actually have. It might not be traditional but the thing is,it's what people eat on a Sunday. Bon appetit! Bon appetit! Rather than having each of the Sunday dinner dishes as a separate course..We're going to serve all the amazing main courses at the same time.
