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商务英语基础教程1(MP3+字幕) 第8课:Prospecting the Future已上传0个录音

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Lesson 08 Dialogue Describing Company Values
Excuse me. Is this seat taken? No, it isn't. Please have a seat. Thanks. David Miller. Pleased to meet you. Ken Burns. Are you heading for Frankfurt? Yes, I have some business there. I work for a mobile communication service provider, EU-Mobile. EU-Mobile? Isn't that the company that launched the first generation analog in Europe? Yes. In fact, that is one of the reasons I am flying to Germany. We've just launched EUTouch 4G, one of the largest touch screens offered by any of the major carriers. Oh, I read an article on that this morning. I also read about how your company's stock prices suffered last year and that the value of the stock has also been called into question. True, it was very discouraging, but we really pulled ourselves together and got over the hump! The stock prices rebounded soon after launching EUTouch 4G.