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We are so proud of him, 'cause he's Chinese.
It's a weekend dedicated to Lee's teaching as top Jeet Kune Do experts perform demonstrations. It's also a chance for Shannon and Linda to discuss how they are keeping the legacy alive with plans for the first Bruce soil in Seattle known as BLAM. That's the Bruce Lee action museum. So she wanted it to represent movement and action and taking action and make it also about community, research, philosophy, education, foundation, all of those different things. It's July 20th, the day of Bruce Lee's death, and Linda, Shannon, and many of Bruce Lee's family and friends have gathered at his graveside to pay their respects. This is Bruce's grave stone. In front of that is a book, and on the book, it says, "your inspiration continues to guide us toward our personal".
我们为他倍感骄傲 因为他是中国人
这个周末致力于李小龙的教学 截拳道顶级专家一展技艺 也是李香凝和琳达讨论 如何让这些遗产鲜活的机会 她们计划在西雅图开辟第一块李小龙领地 叫作BLAM 这是李小龙博动作物馆 所以她想让其能代表移动 动作以及行动 也与社群 研究 哲学 教育 基金等方方面面相关 7月20日 李小龙去世当天 琳达 李香凝和他的家人朋友们 齐聚其墓前 缅怀他 这是李小龙的墓碑 前面有本书 书上说 "你的志向将继续引导我们走向自我解放"