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And with this instant recognition comes a set of values
that people associate with Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee defines kungfu. If you want to reference sort of strength and sleekness and speed and power, Bruce Lee is shorthand for all of those things. What they're trying to sell is an image of perfection. All right, here's a guy who's really good at what he does, so my product is that good. So I can understand what they're doing. The Bruce Lee brand can represent many things. There are many characteristics that he had, many aspects to his personality. It can represent purity, health, confidence, speed, even tragedy. Ari Merkin is the CEO of the New York advertising agency Toy. As well as being one of the most awarded creative directors in the world, he's also a huge fan of Bruce Lee, using him as the inspiration for many of his commercials. Bruce Lee influenced me tremendously. Creativity is... is about sort of spitting out what you've got inside,
这种立刻的认同 让人们把一系列的特性
都和李小龙联系起来 李小龙定义了功夫 如果你意指强大 流畅 速度和力量 李小龙就是最佳代言 他们试图销售的是完美本身 就是这样 有一人真是顶呱呱 我的产品也一样 所以我能理解他们的做法 李小龙的牌子能代表很多东西 他有很多特质 人格多样 可以代表纯粹 健康 自信 速度 甚至悲剧 Ari Merkin是纽约广告公司Toy的首席执行官 作为世界上最受赞誉的创意导演之一 他同样是李小龙的超级粉丝 并将其作为自己广告创意的源泉 李小龙对我影响深远 创新是... 类似自身内在的外现