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CRI News Report:中央委员会全体会议 辽宁舰靠泊青岛航母军港已上传0个录音

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The CPC Central Committee has convened its latest plenary session.
The party is discussing the restructuring of government departments and candidates for state leadership posts. A list of candidates for state leadership positions is going to be proposed at the annual session of the top legislature, which opens next week. A draft plan on institutional restructuring and the transformation of government department functions will also be discussed at the CPC meeting, which runs through tomorrow. 9 tourists from Hone Kong have been confirmed among those killed in a hot-air balloon crash in Egypt. The crash has taken place on the outskirts of the ancient city of Luxor, killing a total of 19 people. Aside from the 9 victims from Hong Kong, the others killed include tourists from Japan, Britain,France, Hungary and Egypt. Local authorities have suspended all hot air balloon flights near Luxor. Chinese aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, has anchored for the first time in its military port in Qingdao. This means the port in Qingdao now has the logistic ability to house China's first aircraft carrier,
会议将讨论政府部门改革和国家机构领导人建议人选。 本次会议将讨论向第十二届全国人民代表大会第一次会议推荐的国家机构领导人员建议人选, 第十二届全国人民代表大会第一次会议将于下周拉开帷幕。 根据日程,《国务院机构改革和职能转变方案(草案)》 将于明天的会议上讨论。 9名香港游客在埃及热气球爆炸中死亡。 爆炸发生于埃及古城卢克索郊区, 共造成19人死亡。 除了9名香港游客外, 遇难者还包括日本、英国、法国、匈牙利及埃及的游客。 当地政府已下令停止卢克索附近所有的热气球活动。 中国航空母舰辽宁舰首次靠泊青岛某军港。 这标志着青岛航母军港已具备靠泊中国首艘航空母舰的保障能力,