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AP News一分钟新闻:罗马教皇本笃十六世2月底辞去教皇职务已上传0个录音

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This is AP News Minute.
The Vatican says Pope Benedict will resign at the end of February ― the first pontiff to do so in nearly 600 years. The 85-year-old announced his decision in Latin, saying he doesn't feel he can carry out his job due to his advanced age. A wave of severe southern storm has downed trees and damaged buildings. A tornado ripped through Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Emergency officials say at least 13 people were injured. They are not aware of any deaths. Residents of the northeast are getting back to their weekday routines where they can following the massive snowstorm that had millions digging out from New York up to Maine. But many schools and workplaces are closed today. The Grammy spread the love. Fun's We Are Young was named song of the year. Gotye's Somebody I Used to Know picked up record of the year and Folk-Rockers' Mumford & Sons won album of the year for their platinum-selling Babel. Jon Belmont, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
梵蒂冈消息,罗马教皇本笃十六世将于2月底辞去教皇职务――他是600年来首位自己辞去职位的教皇。 这位85岁老人用拉丁语宣布了自己的决定,他表示以自己85岁的高龄难以承担教皇职务。 美国南部发生严重暴风雪,树木房屋被毁。一股龙卷风席卷了密西西比州哈蒂斯堡市。 政府应急部门表示至少有13人受伤。没有死亡人数。 美国东北部的居民恢复日常工作生活,东北部地区经历大风雪,上百万人齐心挖通了纽约通往缅因州的道路。 但许多学校和工厂今天仍然关闭。 格莱美大奖爱传万家。Fun乐团的《我们正年轻》获得年度歌曲奖。 歌手Gotye的《曾经熟悉的人》获得年度音乐作品奖,民谣乐队Mumford & Sons获得年度最佳专辑奖。 乔・贝尔蒙特报道,这里是美联社新闻一分钟。